In control theory and signal processing, a linear, time-invariant system is said to be minimum-phase if the system and its inverse are causal and stable. The most general causal LTI transfer function can be uniquely factored into a series of an all-pass and a minimum phase system. The system function is then the product of the two parts, and in the time domain the response of the system is the convolution of the two part responses. The difference between a minimum phase and a general transfer function is that a minimum phase system has all of the poles and zeroes of its transfer function in the left half of the s-plane representation (in discrete time, respectively, inside the unit circle of the z-plane). Since inverting a system function leads to poles turning to zeroes and vice versa, and poles on the right side (s-plane imaginary line) or outside (z-plane unit circle) of the complex plane lead to unstable systems, only the class of minimum phase systems is closed under inversion. Intuitively, the minimum phase part of a general causal system implements its amplitude response with minimum group delay, while its all pass part corrects its phase response alone to correspond with the original system function. The analysis in terms of poles and zeroes is exact only in the case of transfer functions which can be expressed as ratios of polynomials. In the continuous time case, such systems translate into networks of conventional, idealized LCR networks. In discrete time, they conveniently translate into approximations thereof, using addition, multiplication, and unit delay. It can be shown that in both cases, system functions of rational form with increasing order can be used to efficiently approximate any other system function; thus even system functions lacking a rational form, and so possessing an infinitude of poles and/or zeroes, can in practice be implemented as efficiently as any other. In the context of causal, stable systems, we would in theory be free to choose whether the zeroes of the system function are outside of the stable range (to the right or outside) if the closure condition wasn't an issue.
Giancarlo Ferrari Trecate, Mustafa Sahin Turan
Demetri Psaltis, Christophe Moser, Navid Borhani, Damien Claude-Marie Loterie, Eirini Kakkava, Babak Rahmani, Ugur Tegin
Alireza Karimi, Mert Eyuboglu, Nathan Russell Powell