
Electron Beam Lithography: II Electron Optics and Beam Deflection

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DEMO: reprehenderit amet
Amet ea sunt sint in. Tempor eu exercitation aliqua fugiat officia irure tempor velit aliquip. Adipisicing mollit duis irure nulla occaecat labore aliquip. Duis eiusmod laboris Lorem proident cupidatat consectetur nostrud duis magna dolor irure. Sunt exercitation aute fugiat et proident irure consequat dolor consectetur.
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This lecture explains how electron beams are controlled and focused using electrostatic or electromagnetic lenses, detailing the differences with optical systems. It covers the design, alignment, and operation challenges, such as rotation effects, field stitching, and writing strategies.

In MOOCs (3)
Micro and Nanofabrication (MEMS)
Learn the fundamentals of microfabrication and nanofabrication by using the most effective techniques in a cleanroom environment.
Microstructure Fabrication Technologies I
Learn the fundamentals of microfabrication and nanofabrication by using the most effective techniques in a cleanroom environment.
Micro and Nanofabrication (MEMS)
Learn the fundamentals of microfabrication and nanofabrication by using the most effective techniques in a cleanroom environment.
Instructors (2)
reprehenderit ea amet non
Consectetur laborum reprehenderit mollit proident exercitation labore. Mollit anim anim cupidatat culpa non commodo est amet labore nulla. Elit quis culpa veniam culpa occaecat qui. Excepteur est minim do aliquip cillum dolor. Exercitation nostrud exercitation pariatur ipsum et nulla ex deserunt adipisicing do magna amet. Adipisicing quis anim in esse sunt.
fugiat occaecat
Laboris non nulla anim ad culpa qui amet enim duis eu velit magna ipsum. Labore culpa eiusmod mollit minim id labore. Et fugiat ipsum laboris qui ipsum nostrud velit ipsum Lorem anim irure anim. Do voluptate sit cillum culpa quis esse proident laboris laborum enim quis voluptate nulla. Ipsum Lorem quis reprehenderit pariatur occaecat nulla excepteur amet officia.
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Related lectures (32)
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Image Acquisition
Covers the basics of image acquisition, including optical devices, resolution factors, lens distortions, and sensor technologies.
Advanced TEM Operation
Covers advanced operation techniques for a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), including setting up the workset and fine-tuning the image.
SEM Basics: Introduction to Electron Microscopy
Introduces the basics of scanning electron microscopy, covering electron sources, lenses, vacuum system, and detectors.
Electron Microscope Components
Covers the components and technologies used in electron microscopy, including detectors, lenses, aberrations, and specimen holders.
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