In this paper we propose a new model reduction technique aimed at real-time blood flow simulations on a given family of geometrical shapes of arterial vessels. Our approach is based on the combination of a low-dimensional shape parametrization of the computational domain and the reduced basis method to solve the associated parametrized flow equations. We propose a preliminary analysis carried on a set of arterial vessel geometries, described by means of a radial basis functions parametrization. In order to account for patient-specific arterial configurations, we reconstruct the latter by solving a suitable parameter identification problem. Real-time simulation of blood flows are thus performed on each reconstructed parametrized geometry, by means of the reduced basis method. We focus on a family of parametrized carotid artery bifurcations, by modelling blood flows using Navier-Stokes equations and measuring distributed outputs such as viscous energy dissipation or vorticity. The latter are indexes that might be correlated with the assessment of pathological risks. The approach advocated here can be applied to a broad variety of (different) flow problems related with geometry/shape variation, for instance related with shape sensitivity analysis, parametric exploration, and shape design.
Alfio Quarteroni, Filippo Menghini
Simone Deparis, Luca Pegolotti
Alfio Quarteroni, Christian Vergara