We have used s- and p-polarized synchrotron radiation to image the electronic structure of epitaxial graphene near the (K) over bar point by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). Part of the experimental Fermi surface is suppressed due to the interference of photoelectrons emitted from the two equivalent carbon atoms per unit cell of graphene's honeycomb lattice. Here we show that, by rotating the polarization vector, we are able to illuminate this dark corridor giving access to the complete experimental Fermi surface. Our measurements are supported by first-principles photoemission calculations, which reveal that the observed effect persists in the low-photon-energy regime.
Marco Grioni, Arnaud Magrez, Oleg Yazyev, Daniel Gosalbez Martinez, Helmuth Berger, Alberto Crepaldi, Mauro Fanciulli, Gianmarco Gatti