OperadIn mathematics, an operad is a structure that consists of abstract operations, each one having a fixed finite number of inputs (arguments) and one output, as well as a specification of how to compose these operations. Given an operad , one defines an algebra over to be a set together with concrete operations on this set which behave just like the abstract operations of . For instance, there is a Lie operad such that the algebras over are precisely the Lie algebras; in a sense abstractly encodes the operations that are common to all Lie algebras.
Homotopical connectivityIn algebraic topology, homotopical connectivity is a property describing a topological space based on the dimension of its holes. In general, low homotopical connectivity indicates that the space has at least one low-dimensional hole. The concept of n-connectedness generalizes the concepts of path-connectedness and simple connectedness. An equivalent definition of homotopical connectivity is based on the homotopy groups of the space. A space is n-connected (or n-simple connected) if its first n homotopy groups are trivial.
Category of topological spacesIn mathematics, the category of topological spaces, often denoted Top, is the whose s are topological spaces and whose morphisms are continuous maps. This is a category because the composition of two continuous maps is again continuous, and the identity function is continuous. The study of Top and of properties of topological spaces using the techniques of is known as categorical topology. N.B. Some authors use the name Top for the categories with topological manifolds, with compactly generated spaces as objects and continuous maps as morphisms or with the .
Classifying spaceIn mathematics, specifically in homotopy theory, a classifying space BG of a topological group G is the quotient of a weakly contractible space EG (i.e., a topological space all of whose homotopy groups are trivial) by a proper free action of G. It has the property that any G principal bundle over a paracompact manifold is isomorphic to a pullback of the principal bundle EG → BG. As explained later, this means that classifying spaces represent a set-valued functor on the of topological spaces.
Division algebraIn the field of mathematics called abstract algebra, a division algebra is, roughly speaking, an algebra over a field in which division, except by zero, is always possible. Formally, we start with a non-zero algebra D over a field. We call D a division algebra if for any element a in D and any non-zero element b in D there exists precisely one element x in D with a = bx and precisely one element y in D such that a = yb.
Strict 2-categoryIn , a strict 2-category is a with "morphisms between morphisms", that is, where each hom-set itself carries the structure of a category. It can be formally defined as a category over Cat (the , with the structure given by ). The concept of 2-category was first introduced by Charles Ehresmann in his work on enriched categories in 1965. The more general concept of (or weak 2-category), where composition of morphisms is associative only up to a 2-isomorphism, was introduced in 1968 by Jean Bénabou.
Comma categoryIn mathematics, a comma category (a special case being a slice category) is a construction in . It provides another way of looking at morphisms: instead of simply relating objects of a to one another, morphisms become objects in their own right. This notion was introduced in 1963 by F. W. Lawvere (Lawvere, 1963 p. 36), although the technique did not become generally known until many years later. Several mathematical concepts can be treated as comma categories. Comma categories also guarantee the existence of some s and colimits.
Free algebraIn mathematics, especially in the area of abstract algebra known as ring theory, a free algebra is the noncommutative analogue of a polynomial ring since its elements may be described as "polynomials" with non-commuting variables. Likewise, the polynomial ring may be regarded as a free commutative algebra. For R a commutative ring, the free (associative, unital) algebra on n indeterminates {X1,...,Xn} is the free R-module with a basis consisting of all words over the alphabet {X1,...
DerivatorIn mathematics, derivators are a proposed frameworkpg 190-195 for homological algebra giving a foundation for both abelian and non-abelian homological algebra and various generalizations of it. They were introduced to address the deficiencies of (such as the non-functoriality of the cone construction) and provide at the same time a language for homotopical algebra. Derivators were first introduced by Alexander Grothendieck in his long unpublished 1983 manuscript Pursuing Stacks.
Category of setsIn the mathematical field of , the category of sets, denoted as Set, is the whose are sets. The arrows or morphisms between sets A and B are the total functions from A to B, and the composition of morphisms is the composition of functions. Many other categories (such as the , with group homomorphisms as arrows) add structure to the objects of the category of sets and/or restrict the arrows to functions of a particular kind.