We consider the focusing -critical half-wave equation in one space dimension where denotes the first-order fractional derivative. Standard arguments show that there is a critical threshold such that all solutions with extend globally in time, while solutions with may develop singularities in finite time. In this paper, we first prove the existence of a family of traveling waves with subcritical arbitrarily small mass. We then give a second example of nondispersive dynamics and show the existence of finite-time blowup solutions with minimal mass . More precisely, we construct a family of minimal mass blowup solutions that are parametrized by the energy and the linear momentum . In particular, our main result (and its proof) can be seen as a model scenario of minimal mass blowup for -critical nonlinear PDE with nonlocal dispersion.
Fabrizio Carbone, Giovanni Maria Vanacore, Ivan Madan, Ido Kaminer, Simone Gargiulo, Ebrahim Karimi