A thrackle is a graph drawn in the plane so that every pair of its edges meet exactly once: either at a common end vertex or in a proper crossing. We prove that any thrackle of n vertices has at most 1.3984n edges. Quasi-thrackles are defined similarly, except that every pair of edges that do not share a vertex are allowed to cross an odd number of times. It is also shown that the maximum number of edges of a quasi-thrackle on n vertices is 3/2(n-1), and that this bound is best possible for infinitely many values of n. (C) 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Abhishek Methuku, Balázs Keszegh
Mikhail Kapralov, Slobodan Mitrovic, Ashkan Norouzi Fard, Jakab Tardos