In the present paper, Large Eddy Simulations combined with the Zwart-Gerber-Belamri cavitation model are conducted to study the flow characteristics in a tip-leakage flow. A reasonable agreement is obtained between the numerical and experimental data. With the numerical results, the influence of cavitation in a tip-leakage flow on the gross features of tip-leakage vortex (TLV) and tip-separation vortex (TSV), the behavior of tip-leakage jet, the time-averaged vorticity field and turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) distributions are discussed in detailed. Our results demonstrate that more complex induced vortexes are observed in the non-cavitation case when compared with the cavitation case. Moreover, the results indicate that cavitation promotes the fusion of TLV and TSV. The narrower passageway in the gap when cavitation occurs increases the strength of tip-leakage jet, which leaves significant influence on local vorticity and turbulent kinetic energy. Cavitation trends to suppress the production of spanwise and pitchwise vorticity and promotes the TKE production. Further analysis shows that the spanwise and pitchwise flow patterns are mainly responsible for the TKE production. The fluctuations of v and w velocity and the corresponding spanwise and pitchwise velocity gradient components need to be controlled if a decrease in the viscous losses is desired.