At sufficiently high Reynolds numbers, shear-flow turbulence close to a wall acquires universal properties. When length and velocity are rescaled by appropriate characteristic scales of the turbulent flow and thereby measured in inner units, the statistical properties of the flow become independent of the Reynolds number. We demonstrate the existence of a wall-attached non-chaotic exact invariant solution of the fully nonlinear three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations for a parallel boundary layer that captures the characteristic self-similar scaling of near-wall turbulent structures. The branch of travelling wave solutions can be followed up to . Combined theoretical and numerical evidence suggests that the solution is asymptotically self-similar and exactly scales in inner units for Reynolds numbers tending to infinity. Demonstrating the existence of invariant solutions that capture the self-similar scaling properties of turbulence in the near-wall region is a step towards extending the dynamical systems approach to turbulence from the transitional regime to fully developed boundary layers.
Edouard Boujo, Giuseppe Antonio Zampogna
Véronique Michaud, Jacobus Gerardus Rudolph Staal
Tobias Schneider, Omid Ashtari