We obtain new results pertaining to convergence and recurrence of multiple ergodic averages along functions from a Hardy field. Among other things, we confirm some of the conjectures posed by Frantzikinakis in [Fra10; Fra16] and obtain combinatorial applications which contain, as rather special cases, several previously known (polynomial and non-polynomial) extensions of Szemeredi's theorem on arithmetic progressions [BL96; BLL08; FW09; Fra10; BMR17]. One of the novel features of our results, which is not present in previous work, is that they allow for a mixture of polynomials and non-polynomial functions. As an illustration, assume fi(t)=ai,1tci,1+⋯+ai,dtci,d for ci,j>0 and ai,j∈R. Then ∙ for any measure preserving system (X,B,μ,T) and h1,…,hk∈L∞(X), the limit limN→∞N1∑n=1NT[f1(n)]h1⋯T[fk(n)]hk exists in L2; ∙ for any E⊂N with d(E)>0 there are a,n∈N such that {a,a+[f1(n)],…,a+[fk(n)]}⊂E. We also show that if f1,…,fk belong to a Hardy field, have polynomial growth, and are such that no linear combination of them is a polynomial, then for any measure preserving system (X,B,μ,T) and any A∈B, limsupN→∞N1∑n=1Nμ(A∩T−[f1(n)]A∩…∩T−[fk(n)]A)≥μ(A)k+1.