This dataset contains the quantitative teacher data used to analyse an in service teacher training program for Computer Science that took place from September 2019 to March 2020 in the Canton Vaud in Switzerland. Approximately 180 teachers from the the 5th and 6th grade in primary school (ages 9-11) participated in 3 days of training sessions. At the end of each training session, teachers were asked to fill in a web-based questionnaire providing information relating to their perception of the training sessions and adoption of the computer science activities. The surveys were analysed from three perspectives which are detailed in the corresponding article (the professional development program's perspective, the activities' perspective, the teacher's perspective). The present repository thus contains three csv files, one per analysis. A README is included and provides additional information regarding : - the requirements for re-use. - the survey instrument used - the specific content of the 3 csv files
Francesco Mondada, Barbara Bruno, Laila Abdelsalam El-Hamamsy
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