This paper introduces a novel method for data-driven robust control of nonlinear systems based on the Koopman operator, utilizing Integral Quadratic Constraints (IQCs). The Koopman operator theory facilitates the linear representation of nonlinear system dynamics in a higher-dimensional space. Data-driven Koopman-based representations inherently yield only approximate models due to various factors. In addressing this, we focus on effective characterization of the modeling error, which is crucial for ensuring closed-loop guarantees. We identify non-parametric IQC multipliers to characterize the modeling error in a data-driven fashion through the solution of frequency domain (FD) linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), treating it as additive uncertainty for robust control design. These multipliers provide a convex set representation of stabilising robust controllers. We then obtain the optimal controller within this set by solving a different set of FD LMIs. Lastly, we propose an iterative approach alternating between IQC multiplier identification and robust controller synthesis, ensuring monotonic convergence of a robust performance index.
Aude Billard, Bernardo Fichera
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