A landrace is a domesticated, locally adapted, often traditional variety of a species of animal or plant that has developed over time, through adaptation to its natural and cultural environment of agriculture and pastoralism, and due to isolation from other populations of the species. Landraces are distinct from cultivars and from standard breeds.
A significant proportion of farmers around the world grow landrace crops, and most plant landraces are associated with traditional agricultural systems. Landraces of many crops have probably been grown for millennia. Increasing reliance upon modern plant cultivars that are bred to be uniform has led to a reduction in biodiversity, because most of the genetic diversity of domesticated plant species lies in landraces and other traditionally used varieties. Some farmers using scientifically improved varieties also continue to raise landraces for agronomic reasons that include better adaptation to the local environment, lower fertilizer requirements, lower cost, and better disease resistance. Cultural and market preferences for landraces include culinary uses and product attributes such as texture, color, or ease of use.
Plant landraces have been the subject of more academic research, and the majority of academic literature about landraces is focused on botany in agriculture, not animal husbandry. Animal landraces are distinct from ancestral wild species of modern animal stock, and are also distinct from separate species or subspecies derived from the same ancestor as modern domestic stock. Not all landraces derive from wild or ancient animal stock; in some cases, notably dogs and horses, domestic animals have escaped in sufficient numbers in an area to breed feral populations that form new landraces through evolutionary pressure.
There are differences between authoritative sources on the specific criteria which describe landraces, although there is broad consensus about the existence and utility of the classification. Individual criteria may be weighted differently depending on a given source's focus (e.
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Le maïs (Zea mays L., ou Zea mays subsp. mays (autonyme)), appelé blé d’Inde au Canada, est une plante herbacée tropicale annuelle de la famille des Poacées (graminées), largement cultivée comme céréale pour ses grains riches en amidon, mais aussi comme plante fourragère. Le terme désigne aussi le grain de maïs lui-même. Cette espèce, originaire du Mexique, constituait l'aliment de base des Amérindiens avant l'arrivée en Amérique de Christophe Colomb.
La culture sélective des plantes, ou sélection végétale ou amélioration des plantes, est le processus par lequel l'être humain modifie une espèce végétale. Cette sélection peut avoir différents buts, dont l'adaptation à un usage agricole ou l'élaboration de variétés décoratives pour l'horticulture. Les critères visés sont divers et dépendent de l'utilisation finale de l'espèce ciblée; du point de vue agronomique il s'agit généralement d'améliorer la productivité, de modifier le goût, les qualités nutritionnelles, l'apparence ou encore la résistance aux maladies et aux insectes ravageurs.
Chez les animaux domestiques, la race est un rang taxinomique informel, inférieur à l'espèce. Les races et les sous-races sont distinguées à des fins d'élevage et de sélection. vignette| Deux chiens de races différentes : un chihuahua et un dogue allemand. On parle ainsi de races bovines, canines, félines, ou caprines. Les taxons au rang de race n'ont pas de noms scientifiques internationaux, leur circonscription taxinomique repose généralement sur des critères subjectifs et pratiques (notamment utilisés pour la désignation commerciale).
Evidence suggests that the response of rainfed crops to dry or wet years is modulated by soil texture. This is a central tenet for certain agronomic operations in water-limited regions that rely on spatial distribution of soil texture for guiding precision ...
Simple Summary:& nbsp;After domestication in specific regions, livestock followed human migrations and colonized the whole world. During this population expansion, human and natural selection, together with demographic events, molded the livestock genome l ...
In industrialized countries, maize cultivation is mainly associated with the use of hybrid varieties and input-intensive monocultures. Despite the homogeneity of European maize landscapes, alternative models of maize production based on landraces exist. Un ...