
Reading comprehension

Reading comprehension is the ability to process written text, understand its meaning, and to integrate with what the reader already knows. Reading comprehension relies on two abilities that are connected to each other: word reading and language comprehension. Comprehension specifically is a "creative, multifaceted process" dependent upon four language skills: phonology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Some of the fundamental skills required in efficient reading comprehension are the ability to:
  • know the meaning of words,
  • understand the meaning of a word from a discourse context,
  • follow the organization of a passage and to identify antecedents and references in it,
  • draw inferences from a passage about its contents,
  • identify the main thought of a passage,
  • ask questions about the text,
  • answer questions asked in a passage,
  • visualize the text,
  • recall prior knowledge connected to text,
  • recognize confusion or attention problems,
  • recognize the literary devices or pr
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