In mathematics, dimension theory is the study in terms of commutative algebra of the notion dimension of an algebraic variety (and by extension that of a scheme). The need of a theory for such an apparently simple notion results from the existence of many definitions of dimension that are equivalent only in the most regular cases (see Dimension of an algebraic variety). A large part of dimension theory consists in studying the conditions under which several dimensions are equal, and many important classes of commutative rings may be defined as the rings such that two dimensions are equal; for example, a regular ring is a commutative ring such that the homological dimension is equal to the Krull dimension.
The theory is simpler for commutative rings that are finitely generated algebras over a field, which are also quotient rings of polynomial rings in a finite number of indeterminates over a field. In this case, which is the algebraic counterpart of the case of affine algebraic sets, most of the definitions of the dimension are equivalent. For general commutative rings, the lack of geometric interpretation is an obstacle to the development of the theory; in particular, very little is known for non-noetherian rings. (Kaplansky's Commutative rings gives a good account of the non-noetherian case.)
Throughout the article, denotes Krull dimension of a ring and the height of a prime ideal (i.e., the Krull dimension of the localization at that prime ideal.) Rings are assumed to be commutative except in the last section on dimensions of non-commutative rings.
Let R be a noetherian ring or valuation ring. Then
If R is noetherian, this follows from the fundamental theorem below (in particular, Krull's principal ideal theorem), but it is also a consequence of a more precise result. For any prime ideal in R,
for any prime ideal in that contracts to .
This can be shown within basic ring theory (cf. Kaplansky, commutative rings). In addition, in each fiber of , one cannot have a chain of primes ideals of length .
Since an artinian ring (e.
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In mathematics, a commutative ring R is catenary if for any pair of prime ideals p, q, any two strictly increasing chains p = p0 ⊂ p1 ⊂ ... ⊂ pn = q of prime ideals are contained in maximal strictly increasing chains from p to q of the same (finite) length. In a geometric situation, in which the dimension of an algebraic variety attached to a prime ideal will decrease as the prime ideal becomes bigger, the length of such a chain n is usually the difference in dimensions.
En algèbre, la dimension homologique d'un anneau R diffère en général de sa dimension de Krull et se définit à partir des résolutions projectives ou injectives des R-modules. On définit également la dimension faible à partir des résolutions plates des R-modules. La dimension de Krull (respectivement homologique, faible) de R peut être vue comme une mesure de l'éloignement de cet anneau par rapport à la classe des anneaux artiniens (resp. semi-simples, ), cette dimension étant nulle si, et seulement si R est artinien (resp.
In commutative algebra, a regular sequence is a sequence of elements of a commutative ring which are as independent as possible, in a precise sense. This is the algebraic analogue of the geometric notion of a complete intersection. For a commutative ring R and an R-module M, an element r in R is called a non-zero-divisor on M if r m = 0 implies m = 0 for m in M. An M-regular sequence is a sequence r1, ..., rd in R such that ri is a not a zero-divisor on M/(r1, ..., ri-1)M for i = 1, ..., d.
Explore la dimension des variétés algébriques, y compris la dimension (Krull) des anneaux et les dimensions de calcul à l'aide d'outils d'algèbre commutative.
Couvre la théorie de la dimension des anneaux, y compris l'additivité de la dimension et de la hauteur, Hauptidealsatz de Krull, et la hauteur des intersections générales complètes.
Dimension is a fundamental property of objects and the space in which they are embedded. Yet ideal notions of dimension, as in Euclidean spaces, do not always translate to physical spaces, which can be constrained by boundaries and distorted by inhomogenei ...
It is well-known that for any integral domain R, the Serre conjecture ring R(X), i.e., the localization of the univariate polynomial ring R[X] at monic polynomials, is a Bezout domain of Krull dimension
We investigate generalizations along the lines of the Mordell-Lang conjecture of the author's p-adic formal Manin-Mumford results for n-dimensional p-divisible formal groups F. In particular, given a finitely generated subgroup (sic) of F(Q(p)) and a close ...