Listening is giving attention to a sound. When listening, a person hears what others are saying and tries to understand what it means. Listening involves complex affective, cognitive, and behavioral processes. Affective processes include the motivation to listen to others; cognitive processes include attending to, understanding, receiving, and interpreting content and relational messages; and behavioral processes include responding to others with verbal and nonverbal feedback. Listening is a skill for resolving problems. Poor listening can lead to misinterpretations, thus causing conflict or dispute. Poor listening can be exhibited by excessive interruptions, inattention, hearing what you want to hear, mentally composing a response, or having a closed mind. Listening is also linked to memory. According to one study, when there were background noises during a speech, listeners were better able to recall the information in the speech when hearing those noises again. For example, when a person reads or does something else while listening to music, he or she can recall what that was when hearing the music again later. Listening also functions rhetorically as a means of promoting cross-culture communication. Listening differs from obeying. A person who receives and understands information or an instruction, and then chooses not to comply with it or not to agree to it, has listened to the speaker, even though the result is not what the speaker wanted. Listening begins by hearing a speaker producing the sound to be listened to. A semiotician, Roland Barthes, characterized the distinction between listening and hearing. "Hearing is a physiological phenomenon; listening is a psychological act." People are always hearing, most of the time subconsciously. Listening is done by choice. It is the interpretative action taken by someone in order to understand, and potentially make sense of, something they hear. Listening may be considered as a simple and isolated process, but it would be more precise to perceive it as a complex and systematic process.
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Séances de cours associées (1)
Technologie de la fermentation alimentaire
S'insère dans la science de la fermentation alimentaire, couvrant le métabolisme du lactose, la fermentation alimentaire du soja, la production de lait humain, la fabrication de kimchis et l'isolement des bactéries.
Publications associées (4)
Concepts associés (2)
La parole est le langage articulé humain (même si des études ethologiques et philosophiques sont en cours pour déterminer si d’autres animaux pourraient être considérés comme dotés de parole, notamment les perroquets) destiné à communiquer la pensée, et est à distinguer des communications orales diverses, comme les cris, les alertes ou les gémissements. « Articuler la parole » consiste à former des signes audibles, les syllabes, formant les mots qui constituent des symboles.
Acquisition du langage
L'acquisition du langage est un domaine de recherche pluridisciplinaire, relevant notamment de la recherche en psychologie et en sciences du langage, qui vise à décrire et comprendre comment l'enfant acquiert le langage, oral ou gestuel, du milieu qui l'entoure. L'acquisition du langage d'un jeune enfant est rapide et s'effectue sans apprentissage formel. Le langage se développe toute la vie, mais c'est surtout entre la naissance et l'âge de cinq ans, que les apprentissages essentiels sont observés.