In mathematics, Mostow's rigidity theorem, or strong rigidity theorem, or Mostow–Prasad rigidity theorem, essentially states that the geometry of a complete, finite-volume hyperbolic manifold of dimension greater than two is determined by the fundamental group and hence unique. The theorem was proven for closed manifolds by and extended to finite volume manifolds by in 3 dimensions, and by in all dimensions at least 3. gave an alternate proof using the Gromov norm. gave the simplest available proof.
While the theorem shows that the deformation space of (complete) hyperbolic structures on a finite volume hyperbolic -manifold (for ) is a point, for a hyperbolic surface of genus there is a moduli space of dimension that parameterizes all metrics of constant curvature (up to diffeomorphism), a fact essential for Teichmüller theory. There is also a rich theory of deformation spaces of hyperbolic structures on infinite volume manifolds in three dimensions.
The theorem can be given in a geometric formulation (pertaining to finite-volume, complete manifolds), and in an algebraic formulation (pertaining to lattices in Lie groups).
Let be the -dimensional hyperbolic space. A complete hyperbolic manifold can be defined as a quotient of by a group of isometries acting freely and properly discontinuously (it is equivalent to define it as a Riemannian manifold with sectional curvature -1 which is complete). It is of finite volume if the integral of a volume form is finite (which is the case, for example, if it is compact). The Mostow rigidity theorem may be stated as:
Suppose and are complete finite-volume hyperbolic manifolds of dimension . If there exists an isomorphism then it is induced by a unique isometry from to .
Here is the fundamental group of a manifold . If is an hyperbolic manifold obtained as the quotient of by a group then .
An equivalent statement is that any homotopy equivalence from to can be homotoped to a unique isometry. The proof actually shows that if has greater dimension than then there can be no homotopy equivalence between them.
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En théorie des groupes le terme réseau désigne un sous-groupe d'un groupe topologique localement compact vérifiant les conditions suivantes : est discret dans , ce qui est équivalent à la condition qu'il existe un voisinage ouvert de l'identité de tel que ; est de covolume fini dans , c'est-à-dire qu'il existe sur l'espace quotient une mesure Borélienne de masse totale finie et invariante par (agissant par translations à droite). Un réseau est dit uniforme quand le quotient est compact. On dit alors que est un réseau de .
thumb|Une projection en perspective d'un pavage dodécahédrique dans H3. C'est un exemple de ce qu'un observateur pourrait observer à l'intérieur d'une 3-variété hyperbolique thumb|La pseudosphère : chaque moitié de cette forme est une surface hyperbolique à bord. En mathématiques, une variété hyperbolique est un espace dans lequel chaque point apparaît localement comme d'une certaine dimension. Ces variétés sont spécifiquement étudiées en dimensions 2 et 3, où elles sont appelées respectivement surfaces de Riemann et .
In mathematics, more precisely in topology and differential geometry, a hyperbolic 3-manifold is a manifold of dimension 3 equipped with a hyperbolic metric, that is a Riemannian metric which has all its sectional curvatures equal to −1. It is generally required that this metric be also complete: in this case the manifold can be realised as a quotient of the 3-dimensional hyperbolic space by a discrete group of isometries (a Kleinian group).
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We give a complete characterization of the locally compact groups that are nonelementary Gromov-hyperbolic and amenable. They coincide with the class of mapping tori of discrete or continuous one-parameter groups of compacting automorphisms. We moreover gi ...
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