ENV-342: Geographic information system (GIS)Acquisition de concepts et compétences de base liées à la représentation numérique des données géographiques et à leur insertion dans des SIG. Apprentissage de processus d'analyse spatiale pour les in
MATH-323: Topology III - HomologyHomology is one of the most important tools to study topological spaces and it plays an important role in many fields of mathematics. The aim of this course is to introduce this notion, understand its
MATH-220: Topology I - point set topologyA topological space is a space endowed with a notion of nearness. A metric space is an example of a topological space, where a distance function measures the concept of nearness. Within this abstract
MATH-302: Functional analysis IConcepts de base de l'analyse fonctionnelle linéaire: opérateurs bornés, opérateurs compacts, théorie spectrale pour les opérateurs symétriques et compacts, le théorème de Hahn-Banach, les théorèmes d
MATH-410: Riemann surfacesThis course is an introduction to the theory of Riemann surfaces. Riemann surfaces naturally appear is mathematics in many different ways: as a result of analytic continuation, as quotients of complex
MATH-225: Topology II - fundamental groupsOn étudie des notions de topologie générale: unions et quotients d'espaces topologiques; on approfondit les notions de revêtements et de groupe fondamental,et d'attachements de cellules et on démontre
MATH-404: Functional analysis IIWe introduce locally convex vector spaces. As an example we treat the space of test functions and the space of distributions. In the second part of the course, we discuss differential calculus in Bana
MATH-436: Homotopical algebraThis course will provide an introduction to model category theory, which is an abstract framework for generalizing homotopy theory beyond topological spaces and continuous maps. We will study numerous