In physics, the plane-wave expansion expresses a plane wave as a linear combination of spherical waves: where i is the imaginary unit, k is a wave vector of length k, r is a position vector of length r, jl are spherical Bessel functions, Pl are Legendre polynomials, and the hat ^ denotes the unit vector. In the special case where k is aligned with the z axis, where θ is the spherical polar angle of r. With the spherical-harmonic addition theorem the equation can be rewritten as where Ylm are the spherical harmonics and the superscript * denotes complex conjugation. Note that the complex conjugation can be interchanged between the two spherical harmonics due to symmetry.
Juan Ramon Mosig, Javier Rubio
Anja Skrivervik, Mingxiang Gao, Jakub Liska