A wage is payment made by an employer to an employee for work done in a specific period of time. Some examples of wage payments include compensatory payments such as minimum wage, prevailing wage, and yearly bonuses, and remunerative payments such as prizes and tip payouts.
Wages are part of the expenses that are involved in running a business. It is an obligation to the employee regardless of the profitability of the company.
Payment by wage contrasts with salaried work, in which the employer pays an arranged amount at steady intervals (such as a week or month) regardless of hours worked, with commission which conditions pay on individual performance, and with compensation based on the performance of the company as a whole. Waged employees may also receive tips or gratuity paid directly by clients and employee benefits which are non-monetary forms of compensation. Since wage labour is the predominant form of work, the term "wage" sometimes refers to all forms (or all monetary forms) of employee compensation.
Wage labour involves the exchange of money for time spent at work. As Moses I. Finley lays out the issue in The Ancient Economy:
The very idea of wage-labour requires two difficult conceptual steps. First it requires the abstraction of a man's labour from both his person and the product of his work. When one purchases an object from an independent craftsman ... one has not bought his labour but the object, which he had produced in his own time and under his own conditions of work. But when one hires labour, one purchases an abstraction, labour-power, which the purchaser then uses at a time and under conditions which he, the purchaser, not the "owner" of the labour-power, determines (and for which he normally pays after he has consumed it). Second, the wage labour system requires the establishment of a method of measuring the labour one has purchased, for purposes of payment, commonly by introducing a second abstraction, namely labour-time.
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vignette|Des salariés d'une entreprise panaméenne d'import-export et leur patron. Le salariat est une relation économique et sociale entre un travailleur et un employeur, où le travailleur vend sa force de travail dans le cadre d'un contrat de travail formel ou informel. En échange de son salaire, les produits du travail réalisés par l'employé demeurent la propriété de l'employeur. Une personne peut devenir salariée, qu'elle soit demandeur d'emploi ou pas, en étant recrutée soit par sa démarche active, à la suite d'une recherche d'emploi, soit passivement, à la suite d'une offre d'emploi d'un chasseur de têtes.
Un emploi, en économie, consiste à utiliser des personnes actives de la population à des activités économiques. Il s'agit souvent d'un contrat passé entre deux parties, l’employeur et le salarié, pour la réalisation d’un travail contre une rémunération, par l’exercice d'une profession, ou bien pour un travailleur indépendant, la réalisation de multiples contrats implicites ou explicites dans le cadre de l’exercice d’une profession. Une personne bénévole n'occupe pas un emploi au sens strict du terme.
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