EE-512: Applied biomedical signal processingThe goal of this course is twofold: (1) to introduce physiological basis, signal acquisition solutions (sensors) and state-of-the-art signal processing techniques, and (2) to propose concrete examples
MATH-516: Applied statisticsThe course will provide an overview of everyday challenges in applied statistics through case studies. Students will learn how to use core statistical methods and their extensions, and will use comput
ENV-524: Hydrological risks and structuresLe cours est une introduction à l'hydrologie statistique avec un accent mis sur l'hydrologie des petits bassins-versants de montagne. Le cours comprend une introduction générale à la gestion des risqu
FIN-417: Quantitative risk managementThis course is an introduction to quantitative risk management that covers standard statistical methods, multivariate risk factor models, non-linear dependence structures (copula models), as well as p
CS-423: Distributed information systemsThis course introduces the foundations of information retrieval, data mining and knowledge bases, which constitute the foundations of today's Web-based distributed information systems.
MATH-562: Statistical inferenceInference from the particular to the general based on probability models is central to the statistical method. This course gives a graduate-level account of the main ideas of statistical inference.
PHYS-442: Modeling and design of experimentsIn the academic or industrial world, to optimize a system, it is necessary to establish strategies for the experimental approach. The DOE allows you to choose the best set of measurement points to min