In the mathematical field of graph theory, a transitive reduction of a directed graph D is another directed graph with the same vertices and as few edges as possible, such that for all pairs of vertices v, w a (directed) path from v to w in D exists if and only if such a path exists in the reduction. Transitive reductions were introduced by , who provided tight bounds on the computational complexity of constructing them.
More technically, the reduction is a directed graph that has the same reachability relation as D. Equivalently, D and its transitive reduction should have the same transitive closure as each other, and the transitive reduction of D should have as few edges as possible among all graphs with that property.
The transitive reduction of a finite directed acyclic graph (a directed graph without directed cycles) is unique and is a subgraph of the given graph. However, uniqueness fails for graphs with (directed) cycles, and for infinite graphs not even existence is guaranteed.
The closely related concept of a minimum equivalent graph is a subgraph of D that has the same reachability relation and as few edges as possible. The difference is that a transitive reduction does not have to be a subgraph of D. For finite directed acyclic graphs, the minimum equivalent graph is the same as the transitive reduction. However, for graphs that may contain cycles, minimum equivalent graphs are NP-hard to construct, while transitive reductions can be constructed in polynomial time.
Transitive reduction can be defined for an abstract binary relation on a set, by interpreting the pairs of the relation as arcs in a directed graph.
The transitive reduction of a finite directed graph G is a graph with the fewest possible edges that has the same reachability relation as the original graph. That is, if there is a path from a vertex x to a vertex y in graph G, there must also be a path from x to y in the transitive reduction of G, and vice versa. Specifically, if there is some path from x to y, and another from y to z, then there may be no path from x to z which does not include y.
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vignette|Par suppression d'une arête rouge arbitraire, ce cycle hamiltonien donne une chaîne de longueur maximale. En théorie des graphes et en informatique théorique, le problème de la plus longue chaîne (ou le problème du plus long chemin dans le cas d'un graphe orienté) consiste à déterminer la plus longue chaîne élémentaire dans un graphe. Une chaîne est élémentaire si elle ne passe pas deux fois par le même sommet. La longueur d'une chaîne peut être mesurée par le nombre d'arêtes qui la composent ou, dans le cas de graphes pondérés, par la somme des poids des arêtes du chemin.
En théorie des graphes, et plus spécialement en algorithmique des graphes, un tri topologique d'un graphe acyclique orienté (ou dag, de l'anglais directed acyclic graph) est un ordre total sur l'ensemble des sommets, dans lequel s précède t pour tout arc d'un sommet s à un sommet t. En d'autres termes, un tri topologique est une extension linéaire de l'ordre partiel sur les sommets déterminés par les arcs. Soit un graphe orienté avec et . Un ordre topologique sur ce graphe peut donner par exemple la succession des sommets 7, 1, 2, 9, 8, 4, 3, 5, 6.
In graph theory, reachability refers to the ability to get from one vertex to another within a graph. A vertex can reach a vertex (and is reachable from ) if there exists a sequence of adjacent vertices (i.e. a walk) which starts with and ends with . In an undirected graph, reachability between all pairs of vertices can be determined by identifying the connected components of the graph. Any pair of vertices in such a graph can reach each other if and only if they belong to the same connected component; therefore, in such a graph, reachability is symmetric ( reaches iff reaches ).
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