In signal processing, a band-stop filter or band-rejection filter is a filter that passes most frequencies unaltered, but attenuates those in a specific range to very low levels. It is the opposite of a band-pass filter. A notch filter is a band-stop filter with a narrow stopband (high Q factor).
Narrow notch filters (optical) are used in Raman spectroscopy, live sound reproduction (public address systems, or PA systems) and in instrument amplifiers (especially amplifiers or preamplifiers for acoustic instruments such as acoustic guitar, mandolin, bass instrument amplifier, etc.) to reduce or prevent audio feedback, while having little noticeable effect on the rest of the frequency spectrum (electronic or software filters). Other names include "band limit filter", "T-notch filter", "band-elimination filter", and "band-reject filter".
Typically, the width of the stopband is 1 to 2 decades (that is, the highest frequency attenuated is 10 to 100 times the lowest frequency attenuated). However, in the audio band, a notch filter has high and low frequencies that may be only semitones apart.
From the figure of the frequency response of an ideal band-stop filter, it's obvious that the band-stop filter is simply an inverted band-pass filter where they share same definition of bandwidth, pass band, stop band and center frequency. The attenuation should be infinite in the stop band and be zero in the two pass bands for an ideal band-stop filter.
Band-stop filters are designed by the combination of a low-pass filter and a high-pass filter in a parallel configuration. Overlapping does not occur in the summation of high-pass filter and low-pass filter during the design of band-stop filter. The difference in the starting and ending frequency points causes the two filters to connect effectively without any overlapping.
Band-stop filter can be represented as a combination of low-pass and high-pass filters if the bandwidth is wide enough that the two filters do not interact too much.
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Dans une première partie, nous étudierons d’abord comment résoudre de manière très concrète un problème au moyen d’un algorithme, ce qui nous amènera dans un second temps à une des grandes questions d
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Dans le traitement du signal, un filtre est un appareil ou une fonction servant à retirer ou bien à accentuer ou réduire certaines parties du spectre sonore représentées dans un signal. Les filtres sont essentiels dans plusieurs fonctions des appareils électroniques (voir Filtre (électronique)). Nous ne traiterons ici que des filtres accessibles par des commandes dans les tranches des consoles de mixage et les égaliseurs qui permettent d'ajuster la tonalité des sons.
A stopband is a band of frequencies, between specified limits, through which a circuit, such as a filter or telephone circuit, does not allow signals to pass, or the attenuation is above the required stopband attenuation level. Depending on application, the required attenuation within the stopband may typically be a value between 20 and 120 dB higher than the nominal passband attenuation, which often is 0 dB. The lower and upper limiting frequencies, also denoted lower and upper stopband corner frequencies, are the frequencies where the stopband and the transition bands meet in a filter specification.
thumb|right|Image sur laquelle a été appliqué un filtre passe-haut (résultat à droite) Un filtre passe-haut (en anglais, high-pass filter ou HPF) est un filtre qui laisse passer les hautes fréquences et qui atténue les basses fréquences, c'est-à-dire les fréquences inférieures à la fréquence de coupure. Il pourrait également être appelé filtre coupe-bas. Le filtre passe-haut est l'inverse du filtre passe-bas et ces deux filtres combinés forment un filtre passe-bande.
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