EE-110: Logic systems (for MT)Ce cours couvre les fondements des systèmes numériques. Sur la base d'algèbre Booléenne et de circuitscombinatoires et séquentiels incluant les machines d'états finis, les methodes d'analyse et de syn
CS-550: Formal verificationWe introduce formal verification as an approach for developing highly reliable systems. Formal verification finds proofs that computer systems work under all relevant scenarios. We will learn how to u
HUM-274: Musical theory and creativityThis course provides an introduction into music theory and analysis, composition, and creativity, and combines theoretical teaching with hands-on practical exercises and music making.
EE-334: Digital systems designStudents will acquire basic knowledge about methodologies and tools for the design, optimization, and verification of custom digital systems/hardware.
They learn how to design synchronous digital cir
AR-365: Theory and architectural cultureLe cours offre un résumé de la théorie et la culture architecturales depuis 1789 dans le monde occidentale. Le but est de comprendre des textes dans lesquels l'architecture est définie comme une disci
ME-427: Networked control systemsThis course offers an introduction to control systems using communication networks for interfacing sensors, actuators, controllers, and processes. Challenges due to network non-idealities and opportun