Gil RegevGil Regev joined EPFL in 1997 as Senior Researcher after 9 years at Logitech Switzerland and USA. Gil obtained his Ph.D. in Communication Systems in 2003. Since 2008 Gil works both at EPFL and
Thierry MeyerOriginaire de Genève, né en 1961, Thierry Meyer reçoit en 1986 son diplôme (MSC) dingénieur chimiste de lEcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Il reçoit en 1989 son doctorat (PhD) à EPFL pour sa thèse sur le micromélange dans des milieux fortement visqueux. Il rejoint l'institut du génie chimique de 1989 jusqu'à 1993 en tant que scientifique senior dans le domaine des réactions de polymérisation. Il entre, en 1994, à la division " Pigments " de Ciba-Geigy SA, où il travaille au développement et à la mise en production de plusieurs pigments de hautes performances. Il assume la fonction de chef de projets pour l'introduction de nouveaux pigments en fabrication. En 1997, il est nommé chef de fabrication pour la production de la division pigments de Ciba Spécialités Chimiques SA à Monthey. Il est pendant cette même période nommé chargé de cours à l'EPFL. Retournant à l'institut du génie chimique d'EPFL à Lausanne vers la fin de 1998, il a été nommé « d'enseignement de maître et de recherche » (MER) pour mener un nouveau groupe de recherche dans le domaine des polymères et les fluides supercritiques, et enseigner aux chimistes, ingénieurs chimistes et en sciences des matériaux, les disciplines telles que le développement de procédés, l'introduction au génie chimique, le chimie organique et des polymères au programme de bachelor et master. En 2005 il assume la responsabilité du service de Sécurité et Santé au Travail de la faculté des sciences de base en plus de ses activités de recherches traitant de la gestion des risques (risk management) et des fluides supercritiques. Il enseigne actuellement l'introduction au génie chimique au niveau bachelor, le risk management au niveau master et des cours de formation continue dans le domaine de la sécurité (safety) et de la gestion des risques (engineering risk management). Il agit également comme consultant et expert en matière de risk management et génie chimique auprès du tribunal de l'ICC (chambre de commerce internationale) du World Business Organization, auprès de plusieurs bureaux d'études et de consultants ainsi quauprès dindustries. Thierry Meyer est actuellement membre de plusieurs associations internationales de la fédération Européenne du génie chimique et de la société chimique Américaine et American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Il a été élu Président de la European Working Party on Polymer Reaction Engineering de 2001 jusqu'à 2006. Il est actuellement le représentant académique Suisse dans la European Working Party on Loss Prevention and Safety Promotion et dans la European Working Party on Education. Il est membre de plusieurs editorial boards: Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Journal of Chemical Health and Safety.
Marie-Valentine Renée Agnès FlorinMarie-Valentine Florin is the executive director of the International Risk Governance Center. She organises IRGC collaborative activities, focusing in particular on the role of IRGC as a multi-stakeholder platform and a convening place at the interface between science and public policy. She joined the International Risk Governance Council (IRGC Foundation) in 2006.From 2000-2006, she worked for local authorities, helping them develop and implement strategies for sustainable development, and for philanthropic and humanitarian organisations. She spent the first part of her career (1984-1999) in an international socio-cultural research and marketing consulting firm. Marie-Valentine graduated from Science Po in Paris (public policy and management), and then earned post-graduate diplomas in marketing strategy, sustainable development and environmental diplomacy. Her current involvement in IRGC activities is mostly related to:- systemic risks and transitions, governance of risks related to emerging and converging technologies- digital policy, specific risks related to machine learning- precision medicine- synthetic biology- nanotechnology- climate engineering Member of Advisory Committee to the World Economic Forum Global Risk Report 2015-2021; Fellow of the Society of Risk Analysis (SRA). Alain WegmannAlain Wegmann joined EPFL in 1996. His interests are in techniques to better align business and IT. He developed, with his group and partners, the SEAM methods: SEAM for business (strategic thinking), SEAM for enterprise architecture (business/IT alignment) and SEAM for software (IT). The originality of SEAM is in the integration of generic systems thinking principles into discipline-specific methods. This integration has three benefits: (1) the possibility to relate the different disciplines (by having common systemic principles); (2) the capability to leverage on discipline-specific knowledge (by using the vocabulary and the heuristics of each discipline) and (3) to be more efficient in solving problems (by benefiting from the problem solving techniques developed in systems thinking). SEAM is currently applied in master courses and consulting. Consulting is done for start-ups developing their business and technology strategies and for large companies having service-oriented architecture projects.
Prior to joining EPFL, Alain Wegmann worked for 14 years with Logitech in software development/engineering management (Switzerland, Taiwan, US), manufacturing (Taiwan) and marketing (US). When he left Logitech, Alain Wegmann was engineering vice-president and marketing director for large accounts.
Sébastien CajotSébastien is a postdoctoral researcher at the Industrial Process and Energy Systems Engineering (IPESE) Group at Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. He holds a Master in environmental sciences and engineering from EPFL and Kyoto University, and a PhD in energy from EPFL.
During his PhD, he has worked as researcher on urban and energy system planning at the European Institute for Energy Research (EIFER) in Karlsruhe, Germany between 2014 and 2017.
Prior to that, he worked during two and half years as business process analyst at the environmental and energy department of canton de Vaud, Switzerland. There, his focus was also to develop a system of indicators to inform the local government on the efficiency of the State’s energy policy.