In set theory, the complement of a set A, often denoted by A∁ (or A′), is the set of elements not in A. When all sets in the universe, i.e. all sets under consideration, are considered to be members of a given set U, the absolute complement of A is the set of elements in U that are not in A. The relative complement of A with respect to a set B, also termed the set difference of B and A, written is the set of elements in B that are not in A. If A is a set, then the absolute complement of A (or simply the complement of A) is the set of elements not in A (within a larger set that is implicitly defined). In other words, let U be a set that contains all the elements under study; if there is no need to mention U, either because it has been previously specified, or it is obvious and unique, then the absolute complement of A is the relative complement of A in U: Or formally: The absolute complement of A is usually denoted by A∁. Other notations include Assume that the universe is the set of integers. If A is the set of odd numbers, then the complement of A is the set of even numbers. If B is the set of multiples of 3, then the complement of B is the set of numbers congruent to 1 or 2 modulo 3 (or, in simpler terms, the integers that are not multiples of 3). Assume that the universe is the standard 52-card deck. If the set A is the suit of spades, then the complement of A is the union of the suits of clubs, diamonds, and hearts. If the set B is the union of the suits of clubs and diamonds, then the complement of B is the union of the suits of hearts and spades. When the universe is the universe of sets described in formalized set theory, the absolute complement of a set is generally not itself a set, but rather a proper class. For more info, see universal set. Let A and B be two sets in a universe U. The following identities capture important properties of absolute complements: De Morgan's laws: Complement laws: (this follows from the equivalence of a conditional with its contrapositive).
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Personnes associées (1)
Concepts associés (19)
Nombre réel
En mathématiques, un nombre réel est un nombre qui peut être représenté par une partie entière et une liste finie ou infinie de décimales. Cette définition s'applique donc aux nombres rationnels, dont les décimales se répètent de façon périodique à partir d'un certain rang, mais aussi à d'autres nombres dits irrationnels, tels que la racine carrée de 2, π et e.
Union (mathématiques)
Dans la théorie des ensembles, l'union ou réunion est une opération ensembliste de base. En algèbre booléenne, l'union est associée à l'opérateur logique ou inclusif et est notée ∪. L'union de deux ensembles A et B est l'ensemble qui contient tous les éléments qui appartiennent à A ou appartiennent à B. On la note A ∪ B et on la dit « A union B » Formellement : Par exemple l'union des ensembles A = {1, 2, 3} et B = {2, 3, 4} est l'ensemble {1, 2, 3, 4}.
Nombre rationnel
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