CS-251: Theory of computationThis course constitutes an introduction to theory of computation. It discusses the basic theoretical models of computing (finite automata, Turing machine), as well as, provides a solid and mathematica
PHYS-641: Quantum ComputingAfter introducing the foundations of classical and quantum information theory, and quantum measurement, the course will address the theory and practice of digital quantum computing, covering fundament
PHYS-100: Advanced physics I (mechanics)La Physique Générale I (avancée) couvre la mécanique du point et du solide indéformable. Apprendre la mécanique, c'est apprendre à mettre sous forme mathématique un phénomène physique, en modélisant l
CS-459: Foundations of probabilistic proofsProbabilistic proof systems (eg PCPs and IPs) have had a tremendous impact on theoretical computer science, as well as on real-world secure systems. They underlie delegation of computation protocols a
ENG-209: Data science for engineers with PythonCe cours est divisé en deux partie. La première partie présente le langage Python et les différences notables entre Python et C++ (utilisé dans le cours précédent ICC). La seconde partie est une intro
PHYS-467: Machine learning for physicistsMachine learning and data analysis are becoming increasingly central in sciences including physics. In this course, fundamental principles and methods of machine learning will be introduced and practi
MATH-261: Discrete optimizationThis course is an introduction to linear and discrete optimization.
Warning: This is a mathematics course! While much of the course will be algorithmic in nature, you will still need to be able to p
ChE-340: The engineering of chemical reactionsCe cours applique les concepts de la cinétique chimique et des bilans de masse et d'énergie pour résoudre les problèmes de génie des réactions chimiques, en mettant l'accent sur les applications indus