Condorcet loser criterionIn single-winner voting system theory, the Condorcet loser criterion (CLC) is a measure for differentiating voting systems. It implies the majority loser criterion but does not imply the Condorcet winner criterion. A voting system complying with the Condorcet loser criterion will never allow a Condorcet loser to win. A Condorcet loser is a candidate who can be defeated in a head-to-head competition against each other candidate.
Méthode de CondorcetLa méthode Condorcet (aussi appelée scrutin de Condorcet ou vote Condorcet) est un système de vote obéissant au principe de Condorcet qui s'énonce ainsi : Le vainqueur, s'il existe, est donc le candidat qui, comparé tour à tour à chacun des autres candidats, s’avère à chaque fois être le candidat préféré. Autrement dit, il bat tous les autres en duel. Un tel candidat est appelé vainqueur de Condorcet. Rien ne garantit la présence d'un candidat satisfaisant à ce critère de victoire : c'est le paradoxe de Condorcet.
Independence of clones criterionIn voting systems theory, the independence of clones criterion measures an election method's robustness to strategic nomination. Nicolaus Tideman was the first to formulate this criterion, which states that the winner must not change due to the addition of a non-winning candidate who is similar to a candidate already present. To be more precise, a subset of the candidates, called a set of clones, exists if no voter ranks any candidate outside the set between (or equal to) any candidates that are in the set.
Smith criterionThe Smith criterion (sometimes generalized Condorcet criterion, but this can have other meanings) is a voting systems criterion defined such that it's satisfied when a voting system always elects a candidate that is in the Smith set, which is the smallest non-empty subset of the candidates such that every candidate in the subset is majority-preferred over every candidate not in the subset. (A candidate X is said to be majority-preferred over another candidate Y if, in a one-on-one competition between X & Y, the number of voters who prefer X over Y exceeds the number of voters who prefer Y over X.
Participation criterionThe participation criterion is a voting system criterion. Voting systems that fail the participation criterion are said to exhibit the no show paradox and allow a particularly unusual strategy of tactical voting: abstaining from an election can help a voter's preferred choice win. The criterion has been defined as follows: In a deterministic framework, the participation criterion says that the addition of a ballot, where candidate A is strictly preferred to candidate B, to an existing tally of votes should not change the winner from candidate A to candidate B.
Vote par valeursvignette|Un image qui représente le vote de valeurs qui est un système de vote Le vote par valeurs, vote par notes, vote par notation ou vote de valeur est un système de vote, ou plus exactement une famille de systèmes. Le principe consiste à ce que chaque électeur associe une note à chaque candidat. Ce mode de scrutin est efficace pour favoriser les candidats consensuels, pour s'affranchir du "vote utile" et pour exprimer sa désapprobation autant que son approbation et permet d'empêcher les phénomènes de tyrannie de la majorité.
Indépendance des alternatives non pertinentesL'indépendance des alternatives non pertinentes (en anglais independence of irrelevant alternatives, ou IIA) est un axiome utilisé dans les sciences sociales dans le cadre de la théorie de la décision. Quoique les formulations de l'IIA varient, elles ont comme point commun d'essayer de rationaliser le comportement individuel dans une situation d'agrégation ou d'addition de préférences individuelles. L'IANP est aussi parfois appelée condition de Chernoff (du nom de Herman Chernoff), ou propriété alpha de Sen (du nom de Amartya Sen).
Monotonicity criterionThe monotonicity criterion is a voting system criterion used to evaluate both single and multiple winner ranked voting systems. A ranked voting system is monotonic if it is neither possible to prevent the election of a candidate by ranking them higher on some of the ballots, nor possible to elect an otherwise unelected candidate by ranking them lower on some of the ballots (while nothing else is altered on any ballot). That is to say, in single winner elections no winner is harmed by up-ranking and no loser is helped by down-ranking.
Tideman alternative methodTideman's Alternative Methods, including Alternative Smith and Alternative Schwartz, are two electoral systems developed by Nicolaus Tideman which select a single winner using votes that express preferences. These methods can also create a sorted list of winners. These methods are Smith- and Schwartz-efficient, respectively, and thus are Condorcet methods. They operate by using instant-runoff voting for cycle resolution. Tideman's Alternative procedure is as follows: Identify the Smith or Schwartz set.
Scrutin majoritaire uninominalLe scrutin uninominal, ou scrutin uninominal majoritaire, est un système électoral dans lequel une seule personne est élue lors d'un scrutin. Il peut être utilisé soit pour pourvoir une fonction unique, soit pour élire une assemblée, en divisant le territoire en autant de circonscriptions que de sièges à pourvoir. Il s'agit d'un scrutin majoritaire. Il s'oppose au scrutin plurinominal. Il existe plusieurs types de scrutin uninominal.