Fund administration is the name given to the execution of back-office activities including fund accounting, financial reporting, net asset value calculation, capital calls, distributions, investor communications and other functions carried out in support of an investment fund, which may take the form of a traditional mutual fund, a hedge fund, a private equity fund, a venture capital fund, a pension fund, a unit trust, or other pooled investment vehicle.
Managers of funds often choose to outsource some or all of these activities to external specialist companies, such as the fund's custodian bank or transfer agent. These companies are known as fund administrators.
These administrative activities may include the following administrative functions, which may include "fund accounting" functions. Some of these items may be specific to fund operations in the US, and some pertain only whether the fund is an SEC-registered fund:
Calculation of the net asset value ("NAV"), including the calculation of the fund's income and expense accruals and the pricing of securities at current market value, is a core administrator task, because it is the price at which investors buy and sell shares in the fund. This involves trade capture; security valuation (for highly illiquid securities, considerations include whether counterparty valuations are available and/or appropriate and whether the securities can be valued by independent vendors); reconciliations; expense calculation; and NAV calculation and reporting. The accurate and timely calculation of NAV by the administrator is vital.
Preparation of semi-annual and annual reports to shareholders
Maintenance and filing of the fund's financial books and records as the fund accountant, including reconcilement of holdings with custody and broker records
Payment of fund expenses
Settlement of daily purchases and sales of securities, ensuring collection of dividends and interests
Calculation and payment to the transfer agent of dividends and distributions (if required)
Preparation and filing of the fund's prospectus
Preparation and filing of other SEC filings/reports
Calculation of the total returns and other performance measures of the fund
Monitoring investment compliance with SEC, prospectus or U.
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Un fonds de placement (ou fonds d'investissement) est un organisme de détention collective d'actifs financiers. L'intérêt de la gestion collective est de bénéficier de gestionnaires de placements professionnels et d'économies d'échelle (coûts de transaction moins élevés). Ils fonctionnent en multipropriété, en émettant auprès des épargnants, sous forme d'actions, des titres de propriété qui représentent une part de leur portefeuille. Ils sont généralement à capital variable, ce qui permet des souscriptions et rachats à tout moment par les épargnants.
Au Canada et aux États-Unis, un fonds mutuel est un fonds de placement réunissant l'argent de plusieurs investisseurs. Les administrateurs du fonds doivent administrer l'argent selon un document décrivant comment l'argent sera placé. Par exemple, un fonds d'obligations canadiennes devra placer l'argent uniquement dans ce genre d'obligations. La description du fonds spécifie généralement des pourcentages qui doivent être maintenus selon les types de titres.
Le capital-investissement (en anglais : private equity) est un mode d'investissement de capital où un investisseur ou fonds d'investissement utilise des capitaux pour acheter des parts d'une entreprise. Secteur de la finance considéré comme très prestigieux, les professionnels du private equity sont régulièrement décrits comme les ou encore . Le capital-investissement consiste, stricto sensu, en une augmentation de capital d'une entreprise par un apport d'une autre entreprise spécialisée dans l'investissement.
The aim of this course is to expose EPFL bachelor students to some of the main areas in financial economics. The course will be organized around six themes. Students will obtain both practical insight
Ce cours permet l'acquisition des notions essentielles relatives à la structure de la matière, aux équilibres et à la réactivité chimique en liaison avec les propriétés mécaniques, thermiques, électri
The Doubs river is an ecosystem-rich river which is threatened by several anthropic activities. The three dams placed in the river as well as the discharge of pollutants contribute to the degradation of its natural habitats. The city of La Chaux-de-Fonds i ...
The circular economy concept, as presented by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation (EMF), together with many other organisations, could be threatened by opportunists and fantasists. In essence, anyone with an aversion to seek to scientifically clarify the presen ...
We propose setting up a public polluter-financed fund to pay for the removal of all Swiss territorial GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions from 2030. The fund will accelerate decarbonization and help reach annual net zero emissions around 2040, and then progress ...
Explore l'influence de l'environnement sur les matériaux par diverses réactions chimiques, y compris les réactions acides/basiques et la dissolution des métaux.
Explore les modèles factoriels en finance, couvrant les portefeuilles de moyenne variance, les anomalies de taille et de valeur et les stratégies de momentum.