Digital gold currency (or DGC) is a form of electronic money (or digital currency) based on mass units of gold. It is a kind of representative money, like a US paper gold certificate at the time (from 1873 to 1933) that these were exchangeable for gold on demand. The typical unit of account for such currency is linked to grams or troy ounces of gold, although other units such as the gold dinar are sometimes used. DGCs are backed by gold through unallocated or allocated gold storage.
Digital gold currencies are issued by a number of companies, each of which provides a system that enables users to pay each other in units that hold the same value as gold bullion. These competing providers issue a type of independent currency.
Proponents claim that DGC offers a truly global and borderless world currency system which is independent of exchange rate variations and political manipulation. Gold, silver, platinum and palladium each have recognized international currency codes under ISO 4217.
Unlike fractional-reserve banking, DGCs hold 100% of clients' funds in reserve as gold, silver, and/or platinum, which can be exchanged via digital certificates. Proponents of DGC systems say that deposits are protected against inflation, devaluation and other economic risks inherent in fiat currencies. These risks include the monetary policy of countries or territories, which are said by proponents to be harmful to the value of paper currency.
Gold as an investment and Silver as an investment
can be used to buy, hold, and sell precious metals, but do not promote themselves as an "investment", as this implies an anticipated return.
Some providers do not sell DGC directly to clients. For those DGCs, e-currency must be bought and sold via a digital currency exchanger.
Currency exchangers accept payment in national currencies by a variety of methods, including Bank Wire, Direct Deposit, Cheque, Money Order. Some exchangers also sell and fund pre-paid debit cards to make it easier for their clientele to convert DGC into an easily spendable form of national currency.
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Un étalon-argent est un système monétaire reposant uniquement sur un poids d'argent métal fixe, dans le cadre d'un monométallisme qui exclue toute autre référence. Tout au long de l'histoire monétaire et commerciale, cet étalon entre en concurrence avec d'autres, comme l'étalon-or, en fonction des masses de métal plus ou moins abondantes. Un système alliant plusieurs étalons fut également en pratique, à travers un bimétallisme.
Digital currency (digital money, electronic money or electronic currency) is any currency, money, or money-like asset that is primarily managed, stored or exchanged on digital computer systems, especially over the internet. Types of digital currencies include cryptocurrency, virtual currency and central bank digital currency. Digital currency may be recorded on a distributed database on the internet, a centralized electronic computer database owned by a company or bank, within or even on a stored-value card.
La monnaie fiduciaire est la monnaie comprenant les pièces modernes et les billets de banque. C'est un instrument financier dont la valeur nominale est supérieure à la valeur intrinsèque ; la confiance (fiducia en latin) que lui accorde l'utilisateur comme valeur d'échange, moyen de paiement, et donc comme monnaie, repose sur un principe de garantie défendu par une institution centralisatrice.
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Explore la confiance distribuée via Bitcoin et blockchain, en abordant les défis, les aspects techniques et les implications éthiques des crypto-monnaies.
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International Risk Governance Center (IRGC)2021
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