A die, in the context of integrated circuits, is a small block of semiconducting material on which a given functional circuit is fabricated. Typically, integrated circuits are produced in large batches on a single wafer of electronic-grade silicon (EGS) or other semiconductor (such as GaAs) through processes such as photolithography. The wafer is cut (diced) into many pieces, each containing one copy of the circuit. Each of these pieces is called a die.
There are three commonly used plural forms: dice, dies, and die. To simplify handling and integration onto a printed circuit board, most dies are packaged in various forms.
Semiconductor device fabrication
Most dies are composed of silicon and used for integrated circuits. The process begins with the production of monocrystalline silicon ingots. These ingots are then sliced into disks with a diameter of up to 300 mm.
These wafers are then polished to a mirror finish before going through photolithography. In many steps the transistors are manufactured and connected with metal interconnect layers. These prepared wafers then go through wafer testing to test their functionality. The wafers are then sliced and sorted to filter out the faulty dies. Functional dies are then packaged and the completed integrated circuit is ready to be shipped.
A die can host many types of circuits. One common use case of an integrated circuit die is in the form of a Central Processing Unit (CPU). Through advances in modern technology, the size of the transistor within the die has shrunk exponentially, following Moore's Law. Other uses for dies can range from LED lighting to power semiconductor devices.
File:2N2222.jpg|Single NPN [[bipolar junction transistor]] die.
File:RGB-SMD-LED.jpg|Close-up of an [[RGB]] [[light-emitting diode]], showing the three individual dies.
File:MC14053B internal view.jpg|A small-scale integrated circuit die, with [[bond wire]]s attached.
File:Diopsis.jpg|A [[Very-large-scale integration|VLSI]] integrated-circuit die.
File:Pentiumpro moshen.
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vignette|Un Cyrix MediaGX à BGA. vignette|Des puces mémoire à BGA soudées au circuit imprimé La matrice de billes (en anglais Ball Grid Array ou BGA) est un type de boîtier de circuit intégré, destiné à être soudé sur un circuit imprimé. Un boîtier BGA est composé d'une matrice de billes de soudures. Ces billes sont soudées sur un circuit imprimé possédant des plages d'accueil d'un diamètre adéquat. Il existe également des connecteurs qui permettent d'établir une liaison électrique entre un circuit intégré BGA et un circuit imprimé.
In electronics manufacturing, integrated circuit packaging is the final stage of semiconductor device fabrication, in which the block of semiconductor material is encapsulated in a supporting case that prevents physical damage and corrosion. The case, known as a "package", supports the electrical contacts which connect the device to a circuit board. In the integrated circuit industry, the process is often referred to as packaging. Other names include semiconductor device assembly, assembly, encapsulation or sealing.
La gravure (aussi appelée parfois par son nom anglophone, etching) est un procédé utilisée en microfabrication, qui consiste à retirer une ou plusieurs couches de matériaux à la surface d'un wafer. La gravure est une étape critique, extrêmement importante, lors de la fabrication d'éléments de microélectronique, chaque wafer pouvant subir de nombreuses étapes de gravure. Pour chaque étape de gravure, une partie du wafer est protégée de la gravure par une couche protectrice qui résiste à cette gravure.
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