Maladie neuromusculaireUne maladie neuromusculaire est une maladie qui affecte le fonctionnement du muscle et donc la motricité, soit directement en raison d'une atteinte des fibres musculaires elles-mêmes, soit indirectement par l'intermédiaire d'une atteinte des autres constituants de l'unité motrice : jonction neuromusculaire ; fibre nerveuse motrice dans le système nerveux périphérique ; corps cellulaire du motoneurone spinal dans la corne antérieure de la moelle épinière.
Neuromuscular medicineNeuromuscular medicine is a subspecialty of neurology and physiatry that focuses the diagnosis and management of neuromuscular diseases. The field encompasses issues related to both diagnosis and management of these conditions, including rehabilitation interventions to optimize the quality of life of individuals with these conditions. This field encompasses disorders that impact both adults and children and which can be inherited or acquired, typically from an autoimmune disease.
Moelle spinaleLa moelle spinale (selon la nouvelle nomenclature), ou moelle épinière (dans l’ancienne nomenclature), désigne la partie du système nerveux central qui prolonge la moelle allongée appartenant au tronc cérébral. Elle est contenue dans le canal rachidien (canal formé par la superposition des foramens vertébraux), qui la soutient et la protège. Elle est constituée de neurones et de cellules gliales. Sa fonction principale est la transmission des messages nerveux entre le cerveau et le reste du corps.
Spinal cord injury researchSpinal cord injury research seeks new ways to cure or treat spinal cord injury in order to lessen the debilitating effects of the injury in the short or long term. There is no cure for SCI, and current treatments are mostly focused on spinal cord injury rehabilitation and management of the secondary effects of the condition. Two major areas of research include neuroprotection, ways to prevent damage to cells caused by biological processes that take place in the body after the injury, and neuroregeneration, regrowing or replacing damaged neural circuits.
Human legThe human leg is the entire lower limb of the human body, including the foot, thigh or sometimes even the hip or buttock region. The major bones of the leg are the femur (thigh bone), tibia (shin bone), and adjacent fibula. The thigh is between the hip and knee, while the calf (rear) and shin (front) are between the knee and foot. Legs are used for standing, many forms of human movement, recreation such as dancing, and constitute a significant portion of a person's mass.