Dihedral symmetry in three dimensionsIn geometry, dihedral symmetry in three dimensions is one of three infinite sequences of point groups in three dimensions which have a symmetry group that as an abstract group is a dihedral group Dihn (for n ≥ 2). There are 3 types of dihedral symmetry in three dimensions, each shown below in 3 notations: Schönflies notation, Coxeter notation, and orbifold notation. Chiral Dn, [n,2]+, (22n) of order 2n – dihedral symmetry or para-n-gonal group (abstract group: Dihn).
Causal structureIn mathematical physics, the causal structure of a Lorentzian manifold describes the causal relationships between points in the manifold. In modern physics (especially general relativity) spacetime is represented by a Lorentzian manifold. The causal relations between points in the manifold are interpreted as describing which events in spacetime can influence which other events. The causal structure of an arbitrary (possibly curved) Lorentzian manifold is made more complicated by the presence of curvature.
Maxwell's equations in curved spacetimeIn physics, Maxwell's equations in curved spacetime govern the dynamics of the electromagnetic field in curved spacetime (where the metric may not be the Minkowski metric) or where one uses an arbitrary (not necessarily Cartesian) coordinate system. These equations can be viewed as a generalization of the vacuum Maxwell's equations which are normally formulated in the local coordinates of flat spacetime.
Symétrie moléculaireEn chimie, la symétrie moléculaire décrit la symétrie présente dans les molécules ainsi que la classification de ces molécules en fonctions de leur symétrie. La symétrie moléculaire est un concept fondamental en chimie car elle permet de prévoir ou d'expliquer un grand nombre des propriétés chimiques des molécules telles que les transitions spectroscopiques permises ou encore la présence ou l'absence d'un moment dipolaire.
Symmetry in biologySymmetry in biology refers to the symmetry observed in organisms, including plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria. External symmetry can be easily seen by just looking at an organism. For example, the face of a human being has a plane of symmetry down its centre, or a pine cone displays a clear symmetrical spiral pattern. Internal features can also show symmetry, for example the tubes in the human body (responsible for transporting gases, nutrients, and waste products) which are cylindrical and have several planes of symmetry.
Roger PenroseRoger Penrose, né le à Colchester, est un mathématicien, cosmologiste et philosophe des sciences britannique. Il enseigne les mathématiques au Birkbeck College de Londres où il élabore la théorie décrivant l'effondrement des étoiles sur elles-mêmes, entre 1964 et 1973, et où il rencontre le célèbre physicien Stephen Hawking. Ils travaillent alors à une théorie de l'origine de l'univers, Penrose apportant sa contribution mathématique à la théorie de la relativité générale appliquée à la cosmologie et à l'étude des trous noirs.
Petrov classificationIn differential geometry and theoretical physics, the Petrov classification (also known as Petrov–Pirani–Penrose classification) describes the possible algebraic symmetries of the Weyl tensor at each event in a Lorentzian manifold. It is most often applied in studying exact solutions of Einstein's field equations, but strictly speaking the classification is a theorem in pure mathematics applying to any Lorentzian manifold, independent of any physical interpretation. The classification was found in 1954 by A.
Espace de de SitterEn mathématiques, l’espace de de Sitter est un espace maximalement symétrique en quatre dimensions de courbure positive en signature . Il généralise en ce sens la 4-sphère au-delà de la géométrie euclidienne. Le nom vient de Willem de Sitter. La dimension 4 est très utilisée car elle correspond à la relativité générale. En fait, il existe en dimension entière . On peut définir l'espace de de Sitter comme une sous-variété d'un espace de Minkowski généralisé à une dimension supplémentaire.
Kerr metricThe Kerr metric or Kerr geometry describes the geometry of empty spacetime around a rotating uncharged axially symmetric black hole with a quasispherical event horizon. The Kerr metric is an exact solution of the Einstein field equations of general relativity; these equations are highly non-linear, which makes exact solutions very difficult to find. The Kerr metric is a generalization to a rotating body of the Schwarzschild metric, discovered by Karl Schwarzschild in 1915, which described the geometry of spacetime around an uncharged, spherically symmetric, and non-rotating body.
Einstein's thought experimentsA hallmark of Albert Einstein's career was his use of visualized thought experiments (Gedankenexperiment) as a fundamental tool for understanding physical issues and for elucidating his concepts to others. Einstein's thought experiments took diverse forms. In his youth, he mentally chased beams of light. For special relativity, he employed moving trains and flashes of lightning to explain his most penetrating insights. For general relativity, he considered a person falling off a roof, accelerating elevators, blind beetles crawling on curved surfaces and the like.