Cycle cellulairevignette|335x335px|Cycle cellulaire d'une cellule eucaryote (car présence de la mitose) Le cycle cellulaire est l'ensemble des étapes qui constituent et délimitent la vie d'une cellule. Ce cycle est composé de plusieurs phases de croissance dans lesquelles la cellule grossit et duplique son matériel génétique (interphase) et d'une phase où celle-ci se divise (mitose) pour donner naissance à deux cellules filles identiques (dans le cas de la mitose). Les cellules filles reproduiront ce cycle, et ainsi de suite.
Cell cycle checkpointCell cycle checkpoints are control mechanisms in the eukaryotic cell cycle which ensure its proper progression. Each checkpoint serves as a potential termination point along the cell cycle, during which the conditions of the cell are assessed, with progression through the various phases of the cell cycle occurring only when favorable conditions are met. There are many checkpoints in the cell cycle, but the three major ones are: the G1 checkpoint, also known as the Start or restriction checkpoint or Major Checkpoint; the G2/M checkpoint; and the metaphase-to-anaphase transition, also known as the spindle checkpoint.
G0 phaseDISPLAYTITLE:G0 phase The G0 phase describes a cellular state outside of the replicative cell cycle. Classically, cells were thought to enter G0 primarily due to environmental factors, like nutrient deprivation, that limited the resources necessary for proliferation. Thus it was thought of as a resting phase. G0 is now known to take different forms and occur for multiple reasons. For example, most adult neuronal cells, among the most metabolically active cells in the body, are fully differentiated and reside in a terminal G0 phase.
G2 phaseDISPLAYTITLE:G2 phase G2 phase, Gap 2 phase, or Growth 2 phase, is the third subphase of interphase in the cell cycle directly preceding mitosis. It follows the successful completion of S phase, during which the cell’s DNA is replicated. G2 phase ends with the onset of prophase, the first phase of mitosis in which the cell’s chromatin condenses into chromosomes. G2 phase is a period of rapid cell growth and protein synthesis during which the cell prepares itself for mitosis.
G1 phaseDISPLAYTITLE:G1 phase The G1 phase, gap 1 phase, or growth 1 phase, is the first of four phases of the cell cycle that takes place in eukaryotic cell division. In this part of interphase, the cell synthesizes mRNA and proteins in preparation for subsequent steps leading to mitosis. G1 phase ends when the cell moves into the S phase of interphase. Around 30 to 40 percent of cell cycle time is spent in the G1 phase.
S phaseS phase (Synthesis Phase) is the phase of the cell cycle in which DNA is replicated, occurring between G1 phase and G2 phase. Since accurate duplication of the genome is critical to successful cell division, the processes that occur during S-phase are tightly regulated and widely conserved. G1/S transition Entry into S-phase is controlled by the G1 restriction point (R), which commits cells to the remainder of the cell-cycle if there is adequate nutrients and growth signaling.
Cell growthCell growth refers to an increase in the total mass of a cell, including both cytoplasmic, nuclear and organelle volume. Cell growth occurs when the overall rate of cellular biosynthesis (production of biomolecules or anabolism) is greater than the overall rate of cellular degradation (the destruction of biomolecules via the proteasome, lysosome or autophagy, or catabolism). Cell growth is not to be confused with cell division or the cell cycle, which are distinct processes that can occur alongside cell growth during the process of cell proliferation, where a cell, known as the mother cell, grows and divides to produce two daughter cells.
Régulation de la transcriptionLa régulation de la transcription est la phase du contrôle de l'expression des gènes agissant au niveau de la transcription de l'ADN. Cette régulation modifiera la quantité d'ARN produit. Cette régulation est principalement effectuée par la modulation du taux de transcription par l'intervention de facteurs de transcription qui se classent en deux catégories : les éléments cis-regulateurs géniques, en coopération avec les facteurs transprotéiques. Il existe également des mécanismes de régulation de la terminaison de la transcription.
Saccharomyces cerevisiaeSaccharomyces cerevisiae est une espèce de levures employée notamment dans la fermentation de la bière. Elle occupe une place particulière parmi les ferments, levains et levures utilisés depuis la Haute Antiquité : de nombreux peuples, tels que les Égyptiens, Babyloniens ou Celtes, l’utilisaient pour la fabrication de boissons fermentées, du pain, du kéfir, du vin et de la bière de fermentation haute.
Complexe de promotion de l'anaphaseL'APC/C ou complexe de promotion de l'anaphase (en : anaphase promoting complex) est un complexe protéique et une ubiquitine ligase E3. L'APC/C a une durée de vie courte, il active l'anaphase une fois que le dernier signal inhibiteur permettant le contrôle de la métaphase est levé. Ce signal est, dans un ordre chronologique, la mise sous tension du centromère par un accrochage amphitélique des microtubules (MT) kinétochoriens dans les kinétochores de chaque chromosome.