Robotique molleLa robotique molle () est un domaine de la robotique. Ce domaine traite des « robots mous » incluant certains types de drones, et construits en matériaux ou structures souples, élastiques ou déformables tels que le silicone, le plastique, le caoutchouc et autres polymères, les tissus, etc., ou des pièces mécaniques déformables utilisées en robotique, par exemple les ressorts, les élastiques ou les absorbeurs de chocs ou de vibrations.
Collective animal behaviorCollective animal behaviour is a form of social behavior involving the coordinated behavior of large groups of similar animals as well as emergent properties of these groups. This can include the costs and benefits of group membership, the transfer of information, decision-making process, locomotion and synchronization of the group. Studying the principles of collective animal behavior has relevance to human engineering problems through the philosophy of biomimetics.
Robot militairethumb|Un THeMIS, robot militaire de fabrication estonienne. Un robot militaire, aussi appelé arme autonome, est un robot, autonome ou contrôlé à distance, conçu pour des applications militaires. Les drones sont une sous-classe des robots militaires. Des systèmes sont déjà actuellement en service dans un certain nombre de forces armées, où ils s'avèrent efficaces. Le drone "Predator", par exemple, est capable de prendre des photographies de surveillance, et même à lancer des missiles air-sol AGM-114N "Hellfire" II ou des GBU-12 "Paveway" II dans le cas du MQ-1 et du MQ-9.
Robot navigationRobot localization denotes the robot's ability to establish its own position and orientation within the frame of reference. Path planning is effectively an extension of localisation, in that it requires the determination of the robot's current position and a position of a goal location, both within the same frame of reference or coordinates. Map building can be in the shape of a metric map or any notation describing locations in the robot frame of reference. For any mobile device, the ability to navigate in its environment is important.
Interaction homme-robotLes interactions humain-robot (Human-Robot Interactions en anglais, ) sont le sujet d'un champ de recherches ayant émergé du contact et de la rencontre entre l'humain et les systèmes robotiques. Il s'agit d'un champ de recherches interdisciplinaires à la frontière entre la robotique, l'ergonomie et la psychologie. Formé par l’assemblage des deux mots « inter » et « action », le terme d’interaction, dans son étymologie même, suggère l’idée d’une action mutuelle, en réciprocité, de plusieurs éléments.
Robotic sensingRobotic sensing is a subarea of robotics science intended to provide sensing capabilities to robots. Robotic sensing provides robots with the ability to sense their environments and is typically used as feedback to enable robots to adjust their behavior based on sensed input. Robot sensing includes the ability to see, touch, hear and move and associated algorithms to process and make use of environmental feedback and sensory data.
Humanoid robotA humanoid robot is a robot resembling the human body in shape. The design may be for functional purposes, such as interacting with human tools and environments, for experimental purposes, such as the study of bipedal locomotion, or for other purposes. In general, humanoid robots have a torso, a head, two arms, and two legs, though some humanoid robots may replicate only part of the body, for example, from the waist up. Some humanoid robots also have heads designed to replicate human facial features such as eyes and mouths.
Legged robotLegged robots are a type of mobile robot which use articulated limbs, such as leg mechanisms, to provide locomotion. They are more versatile than wheeled robots and can traverse many different terrains, though these advantages require increased complexity and power consumption. Legged robots often imitate legged animals, such as humans or insects, in an example of biomimicry. Legged robots, or walking machines, are designed for locomotion on rough terrain and require control of leg actuators to maintain balance, sensors to determine foot placement and planning algorithms to determine the direction and speed of movement.
Conscience collectiveLa conscience collective est une notion de sociologie et de psychologie qui se rapporte aux croyances, comportements et objets mentaux partagés par les membres d'une collectivité. La conscience collective fonctionne comme une force séparée par rapport à la conscience individuelle, qu'elle domine généralement. L'idée d'une conscience unique pour un groupe d'individus est présente dans la philosophie politique du . Jean-Jacques Rousseau mobilise le concept de volonté générale.
Unmanned ground vehicleAn unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) is a vehicle that operates while in contact with the ground and without an onboard human presence. UGVs can be used for many applications where it may be inconvenient, dangerous, or impossible to have a human operator present. Generally, the vehicle will have a set of sensors to observe the environment, and will either autonomously make decisions about its behavior or pass the information to a human operator at a different location who will control the vehicle through teleoperation.