Motor controllerA motor controller is a device or group of devices that can coordinate in a predetermined manner the performance of an electric motor. A motor controller might include a manual or automatic means for starting and stopping the motor, selecting forward or reverse rotation, selecting and regulating the speed, regulating or limiting the torque, and protecting against overloads and electrical faults. Motor controllers may use electromechanical switching, or may use power electronics devices to regulate the speed and direction of a motor.
ErgothérapieL'ergothérapie est une discipline visant la promotion de la santé et du bien-être des individus et des communautés, au travers de leurs occupations. Elle expertise, à la suite d'un changement d’état de santé ou social (maladie, migration, emprisonnement, etc.), le rapport de la personne à ses occupations de vie, pour les réorganiser, les harmoniser ou les adapter afin qu'elles restent vectrices de santé.
Electric motorAn electric motor is an electrical machine that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. Most electric motors operate through the interaction between the motor's magnetic field and electric current in a wire winding to generate force in the form of torque applied on the motor's shaft. An electric generator is mechanically identical to an electric motor, but operates with a reversed flow of power, converting mechanical energy into electrical energy.
LudothérapieLa ludothérapie est le traitement de certaines maladies et en particulier les maladies mentales par le jeu. Comme l'explique l'association Les Oursins, la ludothérapie permet aux patients d'exprimer, au travers du jeu, les difficultés qu'ils rencontrent et qui l'atteignent psychologiquement et/ou physiquement. Chez l'enfant notamment, cet outil leur permet de se reconstruire. Comme l'explique Karin Gepp, Psy.D., le jeu permet à l'enfant de s'exprimer naturellement et inconsciemment, ce qui permet au thérapeute de mieux pouvoir observer les comportements ainsi que l'état émotionnel de l'enfant.
Physical therapyPhysical therapy (PT), also known as physiotherapy, is one of the allied health professions. It is provided by physical therapists who promote, maintain, or restore health through physical examination, diagnosis, management, prognosis, patient education, physical intervention, rehabilitation, disease prevention, and health promotion. Physical therapists are known as physiotherapists in many countries. The career has many specialties including musculoskeletal, orthopedics, cardiopulmonary, neurology, endocrinology, sports medicine, geriatrics, pediatrics, women's health, wound care and electromyography.
Assisted livingAn assisted living residence or assisted living facility (ALF) is a housing facility for people with disabilities or for adults who cannot or who choose not to live independently. The term is popular in the United States, but the setting is similar to a retirement home, in the sense that facilities provide a group living environment and typically cater to an older adult population. There is also Caribbean assisted living, which offers a similar service in a resort-like environment (somewhat like assisted vacationing).
Navigation inertiellevignette|295x295px|Centrale à inertie du missile S3, Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace, Paris Le Bourget (France) La navigation inertielle (en anglais, inertial navigation system ou INS) est une technique utilisant des capteurs d’accélération et de rotation afin de déterminer le mouvement absolu d’un véhicule (avion, missile, sous-marin...). Elle a l’avantage d’être totalement autonome. La navigation inertielle a été utilisée sur les V1 et V2 allemands. Charles Stark Draper est connu comme le « père de la navigation inertielle ».
Rehabilitation (neuropsychology)Rehabilitation of sensory and cognitive function typically involves methods for retraining neural pathways or training new neural pathways to regain or improve neurocognitive functioning that have been diminished by disease or trauma. The main objective outcome for rehabilitation is to assist in regaining physical abilities and improving performance. Three common neuropsychological problems treatable with rehabilitation are attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), concussion, and spinal cord injury.
Mobilité socialeLa mobilité sociale concerne les changements de statut social des individus ou des groupes sociaux au cours du temps, ainsi que les différences entre le statut social des parents et celui de leurs enfants. En sociologie, c'est un concept pour l'analyse de la structure sociale. La mobilité sociale est souvent entendue comme synonyme d'ascension sociale ou de la possibilité d'ascension sociale, par opposition à la reproduction sociale, et répondant aux questions d'inégalités, de redistribution des revenus et du patrimoine.
Expressive therapiesThe expressive therapies are the use of the creative arts as a form of therapy, including the distinct disciplines expressive arts therapy and the creative arts therapies (art therapy, dance/movement therapy, drama therapy, music therapy, writing therapy, poetry therapy, and psychodrama). The expressive therapies are based on the assumption that people can heal through the various forms of creative expression. Expressive therapists share the belief that through creative expression and the tapping of the imagination, people can examine their body, feelings, emotions, and thought process.