The paper introduces a functional time series (lagged) regression model. The impulse-response coefficients in such a model are operators acting on a separable Hilbert space, which is the function space L-2 in applications. A spectral approach to the estimation of these coefficients is proposed and asymptotically justified under a general nonparametric condition on the temporal dependence of the input series. Since the data are infinite-dimensional, the estimation involves a spectral-domain dimension-reduction technique. Consistency of the estimators is established under general data-dependent assumptions on the rate of the dimension-reduction parameter. Their finite-sample performance is evaluated by a simulation study that compares two ad hoc approaches to dimension reduction with an alternative, asymptotically justified method.
Pascal Fua, Sean Lewis Hill, Jiancheng Yang, Xiang Li, Amos Sironi, Jian Zhou, Jie Zhou, Siqi Liu