Mémoire de travailLe système cognitif fonctionne en acquérant, filtrant et traitant des informations vitales, utiles, potentiellement utiles à court, moyen et long termes ; il a donc besoin de stocker (mémoriser) ces informations. Le cerveau semble pour cela disposer de systèmes différents, mais complémentaires, de mémoire à long terme et de mémoire à court terme. La notion de mémoire de travail, apparue dans les années 1970 désigne .
Baddeley's model of working memoryBaddeley's model of working memory is a model of human memory proposed by Alan Baddeley and Graham Hitch in 1974, in an attempt to present a more accurate model of primary memory (often referred to as short-term memory). Working memory splits primary memory into multiple components, rather than considering it to be a single, unified construct. Baddeley & Hitch proposed their three-part working memory model as an alternative to the short-term store in Atkinson & Shiffrin's 'multi-store' memory model (1968).
Mémoire à court termeLa mémoire à court terme (MCT) désigne en psychologie le type de mémoire qui permet de retenir et de réutiliser une quantité limitée d'informations pendant un temps relativement court, environ une demi-minute. Un grand nombre de recherches en psychologie cognitive ont cherché à déterminer les caractéristiques (capacité, durée, fonctionnement) et le rôle de la mémoire à court terme dans la cognition. Le concept de mémoire à court terme est assez ancien en psychologie scientifique.
Mémoire (psychologie)thumb|350px|Les formes et fonctions de la mémoire en sciences. En psychologie, la mémoire est la faculté de l'esprit d'enregistrer, conserver et rappeler les expériences passées. Son investigation est réalisée par différentes disciplines : psychologie cognitive, neuropsychologie, et psychanalyse. thumb|Pyramide des cinq systèmes de mémoire. Le courant cognitiviste classique regroupe habituellement sous le terme de mémoire les processus dencodage, de stockage et de récupération des représentations mentales.
Functional specialization (brain)In neuroscience, functional specialization is a theory which suggests that different areas in the brain are specialized for different functions. History of neuroscience Phrenology, created by Franz Joseph Gall (1758–1828) and Johann Gaspar Spurzheim (1776–1832) and best known for the idea that one's personality could be determined by the variation of bumps on their skull, proposed that different regions in one's brain have different functions and may very well be associated with different behaviours.
Mémoire spatialevignette|La mémoire spatiale est nécessaire pour naviguer dans un environnement. La mémoire spatiale est la partie de la mémoire d'un individu responsable de l'enregistrement des informations concernant l'espace environnant et l'orientation spatiale de l'individu dans celui-ci. La mémoire spatiale est ainsi requise pour la navigation spatiale dans un lieu connu, comme dans un quartier familier. Elle est étudiée en neuroscience (chez le rat) et en psychologie cognitive (chez l'homme).
Memory rehearsalMemory rehearsal is a term for the role of repetition in the retention of memories. It involves repeating information over and over in order to get the information processed and stored as a memory. Maintenance rehearsal is a type of memory rehearsal that is useful in maintaining information in short-term memory or working memory. Because this usually involves repeating information without thinking about its meaning or connecting it to other information, the information is not usually transferred to long-term memory.
Language processing in the brainIn psycholinguistics, language processing refers to the way humans use words to communicate ideas and feelings, and how such communications are processed and understood. Language processing is considered to be a uniquely human ability that is not produced with the same grammatical understanding or systematicity in even human's closest primate relatives. Throughout the 20th century the dominant model for language processing in the brain was the Geschwind-Lichteim-Wernicke model, which is based primarily on the analysis of brain-damaged patients.
Language moduleThe language module or language faculty is a hypothetical structure in the human brain which is thought to contain innate capacities for language, originally posited by Noam Chomsky. There is ongoing research into brain modularity in the fields of cognitive science and neuroscience, although the current idea is much weaker than what was proposed by Chomsky and Jerry Fodor in the 1980s. In today's terminology, 'modularity' refers to specialisation: language processing is specialised in the brain to the extent that it occurs partially in different areas than other types of information processing such as visual input.
Cognitive neuropsychologyCognitive neuropsychology is a branch of cognitive psychology that aims to understand how the structure and function of the brain relates to specific psychological processes. Cognitive psychology is the science that looks at how mental processes are responsible for the cognitive abilities to store and produce new memories, produce language, recognize people and objects, as well as our ability to reason and problem solve.