Conception centrée sur l'utilisateurLa conception centrée sur l'utilisateur ou conception orientée utilisateur (UCD, user-centered design en anglais) est une philosophie et une démarche de conception surtout présente en ergonomie informatique, où les besoins, les attentes et les caractéristiques propres des utilisateurs finaux sont pris en compte à chaque étape du processus de développement d'un produit. La norme ISO 9241-210 qui annule et remplace la norme ISO 13407 définit sept ensembles de pratique de base pour mettre en œuvre le processus de conception centrée sur l'utilisateur.
User researchUser research focuses on understanding user behaviors, needs and motivations through interviews, surveys, usability evaluations and other forms of feedback methodologies. It is used to understand how people interact with products and evaluate whether design solutions meet their needs. This field of research aims at improving the user experience (UX) of products, services, or processes by incorporating experimental and observational research methods to guide the design, development, and refinement of a product.
User experience designUser experience design (UX design, UXD, UED, or XD) is the process of defining the experience a user would go through when interacting with a company, its services, and its products. Design decisions in UX design are often driven by research, data analysis, and test results rather than aesthetic preferences and opinions. Unlike user interface design, which focuses solely on the design of a computer interface, UX design encompasses all aspects of a user's perceived experience with a product or website, such as its usability, usefulness, desirability, brand perception, and overall performance.
Test utilisateurUn test utilisateur, ou test d’utilisabilité, est une méthode permettant d'évaluer un produit en le faisant tester par des utilisateurs. Le plus souvent, il s'agit de produits du domaine informatique (par exemple : un logiciel ou un site web) dans le cadre de l'intervention ergonomique. Elle est considérée comme une démarche indispensable dans la conception de produit, car la plus efficace pour évaluer l'ergonomie d'une application ou d'un site web.
Building performanceBuilding performance is an attribute of a building that expresses how well that building carries out its functions. It may also relate to the performance of the building construction process. Categories of building performance are quality (how well the building fulfills its functions), resource savings (how much of a particular resource is needed to fulfill its functions) and workload capacity (how much the building can do). The performance of a building depends on the response of the building to an external load or shock.
Approches fonctionnelles de la grammaireLes approches fonctionnelles de grammaire sont les approches relatives à l’étude du langage qui estiment que les fonctions linguistiques et leurs éléments sont indispensables à la compréhension du processus et de la structure d’une langue. Les approches fonctionnelles linguistiques existent puisqu’une langue est fondamentalement un outil de communication. Il semble donc évident de déduire que ces différentes structures sont mieux étudiées et comprises selon les fonctions qu’elles exercent.
Building scienceBuilding science is the science and technology-driven collection of knowledge in order to provide better indoor environmental quality (IEQ), energy-efficient built environments, and occupant comfort and satisfaction. Building physics, architectural science, and applied physics are terms used for the knowledge domain that overlaps with building science. In building science, the methods used in natural and hard sciences are widely applied, which may include controlled and quasi-experiments, randomized control, physical measurements, remote sensing, and simulations.
Systemic functional linguisticsSystemic functional linguistics (SFL) is an approach to linguistics, among functional linguistics, that considers language as a social semiotic system. It was devised by Michael Halliday, who took the notion of system from J. R. Firth, his teacher (Halliday, 1961). Firth proposed that systems refer to possibilities subordinated to structure; Halliday "liberated" choice from structure and made it the central organising dimension of SFL.