Spin angular momentum of lightThe spin angular momentum of light (SAM) is the component of angular momentum of light that is associated with the quantum spin and the rotation between the polarization degrees of freedom of the photon. Spin is the fundamental property that distinguishes the two types of elementary particles: fermions with half-integer spins and bosons with integer spins. Photons, which are the quanta of light, have been long recognized as spin-1 gauge bosons. The polarization of the light is commonly accepted as its “intrinsic” spin degree of freedom.
Angular momentum of lightThe angular momentum of light is a vector quantity that expresses the amount of dynamical rotation present in the electromagnetic field of the light. While traveling approximately in a straight line, a beam of light can also be rotating (or "spinning, or "twisting) around its own axis. This rotation, while not visible to the naked eye, can be revealed by the interaction of the light beam with matter. There are two distinct forms of rotation of a light beam, one involving its polarization and the other its wavefront shape.
Orbital angular momentum of lightThe orbital angular momentum of light (OAM) is the component of angular momentum of a light beam that is dependent on the field spatial distribution, and not on the polarization. It can be further split into an internal and an external OAM. The internal OAM is an origin-independent angular momentum of a light beam that can be associated with a helical or twisted wavefront. The external OAM is the origin-dependent angular momentum that can be obtained as cross product of the light beam position (center of the beam) and its total linear momentum.
Rashba effectThe Rashba effect, also called Bychkov–Rashba effect, is a momentum-dependent splitting of spin bands in bulk crystals and low-dimensional condensed matter systems (such as heterostructures and surface states) similar to the splitting of particles and anti-particles in the Dirac Hamiltonian. The splitting is a combined effect of spin–orbit interaction and asymmetry of the crystal potential, in particular in the direction perpendicular to the two-dimensional plane (as applied to surfaces and heterostructures).
Moment cinétiqueEn mécanique classique, le moment cinétique (ou moment angulaire par anglicisme) d'un point matériel M par rapport à un point O est le moment de la quantité de mouvement par rapport au point O, c'est-à-dire le produit vectoriel : Le moment cinétique d'un système matériel est la somme des moments cinétiques (par rapport au même point O) des points matériels constituant le système : Cette grandeur, considérée dans un référentiel galiléen, dépend du choix de l'origine O, par suite, il n'est pas possible de com
Spin quantum numberIn physics, the spin quantum number is a quantum number (designated s) that describes the intrinsic angular momentum (or spin angular momentum, or simply spin) of an electron or other particle. It has the same value for all particles of the same type, such as s = 1/2 for all electrons. It is an integer for all bosons, such as photons, and a half-odd-integer for all fermions, such as electrons and protons. The component of the spin along a specified axis is given by the spin magnetic quantum number, conventionally written ms.
Nombre quantiqueLes nombres quantiques sont des ensembles de nombres définissant l'état quantique d'un système. Chacun de ces nombres définit la valeur d'une quantité conservée dans la dynamique d'un système quantique. Ce sont des nombres entiers ou demi-entiers, de sorte que les grandeurs observables correspondantes sont quantifiées et ne peuvent prendre que des valeurs discrètes : c'est une différence fondamentale entre la mécanique quantique et la mécanique classique, dans laquelle toutes ces grandeurs peuvent prendre des valeurs continues.
Electric dipole spin resonanceElectric dipole spin resonance (EDSR) is a method to control the magnetic moments inside a material using quantum mechanical effects like the spin–orbit interaction. Mainly, EDSR allows to flip the orientation of the magnetic moments through the use of electromagnetic radiation at resonant frequencies. EDSR was first proposed by Emmanuel Rashba. Computer hardware employs the electron charge in transistors to process information and the electron magnetic moment or spin for magnetic storage devices.
Polarisation du videDans la théorie quantique des champs et plus précisément en électrodynamique quantique, la polarisation du vide est un processus où un champ électromagnétique modifie la répartition « spatiale » de paires électron virtuel-positron, lesquelles paires à leur tour modifient la répartition des charges et des courants initialement produits par le champ électromagnétique. Ses effets ont été expérimentalement observés en 1997 par l'accélérateur de particules japonais TRISTAN du centre de recherche KEK.
Angular momentum diagrams (quantum mechanics)In quantum mechanics and its applications to quantum many-particle systems, notably quantum chemistry, angular momentum diagrams, or more accurately from a mathematical viewpoint angular momentum graphs, are a diagrammatic method for representing angular momentum quantum states of a quantum system allowing calculations to be done symbolically. More specifically, the arrows encode angular momentum states in bra–ket notation and include the abstract nature of the state, such as tensor products and transformation rules.