In recent years, wind farm layout optimization (WFLO) has been extendedly developed to address the minimization of turbine wake effects in a wind farm. Considering that increasing the degrees of freedom in the decision space can lead to more efficient solutions in an optimization problem, in this work the WFLO problem that grants total freedom to the wind farm area shape is addressed for the first time. We apply multi-objective optimization with the power output (PO) and the electricity cable length (CL) as objective functions in Horns Rev I (Denmark) via 13 different genetic algorithms: a traditionally used algorithm, a newly developed algorithm, and 11 hybridizations resulted from the two. Turbine wakes and their interactions in the wind farm are computed through the in-house Gaussian wake model. Results show that several of the new algorithms outperform NSGA-II. Length-unconstrained layouts provide up to 5.9% PO improvements against the baseline. When limited to 20 km long, the obtained layouts provide up to 2.4% PO increase and 62% CL decrease. These improvements are respectively 10 and 3 times bigger than previous results obtained with the fixed area. When deriving a localized utility function, the cost of energy is reduced up to 2.7% against the baseline.
Karen Ann J Mulleners, Sébastien Le Fouest
Fernando Porté Agel, Nicolas Otto Kirchner Bossi
François Maréchal, Julia Granacher