In this thesis, we study interactions between algebraic and coalgebraic structures in infinity-categories (more precisely, in the quasicategorical model of (infinity, 1)-categories). We define a notion of a Hopf algebra H in an E-2-monoidal infinity-category and lift some results about ordinary Hopf algebras, such as the fundamental theorem of Hopf modules, to this setting. We also study Hopf-Galois extensions in this context. Given a candidate Hopf-Galois extension, i.e., a map f : A -> B of H-comodule algebras where H coacts on A trivially, we construct a structured version of the comparison map B (x)_A B -> H (x) B that allows us to compare the category of descent data for f with a category of "B-modules equipped with a semilinear coaction of H". We provide further insights into the case of commutative (i.e., E-infinity) comodule algebras over a commutative Hopf algebra, for instance a description of the aforementioned category of modules equipped with a semilinear coaction as the limit of a "categorified cobar construction". Moreover, we provide a simple description of comodules over a space in slice categories of the infinity-category of spaces, which enables us to realize multiplicative Thom objects as comodule algebras and thus incorporate them into the aforementioned framework.