LocomotionEn physiologie, la locomotion est la faculté, pour un organisme vivant, de se mouvoir pour se déplacer. Des contraintes sont exercées sur ces organismes suivant le milieu, terrestre, aérien ou aquatique, dans lesquels ils se meuvent. La fonction locomotrice se traduit par un ensemble de mouvements qui entraînent le déplacement de l'être vivant : la progression quadrupède, bipède et apode, dont la reptation, en milieu terrestre, diverses formes de nage et de propulsion en milieu aquatique (système de propulsion par réaction des calmars) et les vols planés ou battus en milieu aérien.
Terrestrial locomotionTerrestrial locomotion has evolved as animals adapted from aquatic to terrestrial environments. Locomotion on land raises different problems than that in water, with reduced friction being replaced by the increased effects of gravity. As viewed from evolutionary taxonomy, there are three basic forms of animal locomotion in the terrestrial environment: legged – moving by using appendages limbless locomotion – moving without legs, primarily using the body itself as a propulsive structure.
Aquatic locomotionAquatic locomotion or swimming is biologically propelled motion through a liquid medium. The simplest propulsive systems are composed of cilia and flagella. Swimming has evolved a number of times in a range of organisms including arthropods, fish, molluscs, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Swimming evolved a number of times in unrelated lineages. Supposed jellyfish fossils occur in the Ediacaran, but the first free-swimming animals appear in the Early to Middle Cambrian.
Undulatory locomotionUndulatory locomotion is the type of motion characterized by wave-like movement patterns that act to propel an animal forward. Examples of this type of gait include crawling in snakes, or swimming in the lamprey. Although this is typically the type of gait utilized by limbless animals, some creatures with limbs, such as the salamander, forgo use of their legs in certain environments and exhibit undulatory locomotion. In robotics this movement strategy is studied in order to create novel robotic devices capable of traversing a variety of environments.
Fish locomotionFish locomotion is the various types of animal locomotion used by fish, principally by swimming. This is achieved in different groups of fish by a variety of mechanisms of propulsion, most often by wave-like lateral flexions of the fish's body and tail in the water, and in various specialised fish by motions of the fins.
Agent intelligentEn intelligence artificielle, un agent intelligent (AI) est une entité autonome capable de percevoir son environnement grâce à des capteurs et aussi d'agir sur celui-ci via des effecteurs afin de réaliser des objectifs. Un agent intelligent peut également apprendre ou utiliser des connaissances pour pouvoir réaliser ses objectifs. Ils peuvent être simples ou complexes. Par exemple, un simple système réactif, comme le thermostat est considéré comme étant un agent intelligent.
Rotating locomotion in living systemsSeveral organisms are capable of rolling locomotion. However, true wheels and propellers—despite their utility in human vehicles—do not seem to play a significant role in the movement of living things (with the exception of certain flagella, which work like corkscrews). Biologists have offered several explanations for the apparent absence of biological wheels, and wheeled creatures have appeared often in speculative fiction.
Agent logicielEn informatique, un agent ou agent logiciel (du latin agere : agir) est un logiciel qui agit de façon autonome. C'est un programme qui accomplit des tâches à la manière d'un automate et en fonction de ce que lui a demandé son auteur. Dans le contexte d'Internet, les agents intelligents sont liés au Web sémantique, dans lequel ils sont utilisés pour faire à la place des humains les recherches et les corrélations entre les résultats de ces recherches. Ceci se fait en fonction de règles prédéfinies.
Embodied agentIn artificial intelligence, an embodied agent, also sometimes referred to as an interface agent, is an intelligent agent that interacts with the environment through a physical body within that environment. Agents that are represented graphically with a body, for example a human or a cartoon animal, are also called embodied agents, although they have only virtual, not physical, embodiment. A branch of artificial intelligence focuses on empowering such agents to interact autonomously with human beings and the environment.
Système multi-agentsEn informatique, un système multi-agent (SMA) est un système composé d'un ensemble d'agents (un processus, un robot, un être humain, une fourmi etc.), actifs dans un certain environnement et interagissant selon certaines règles. Un agent est une entité caractérisée par le fait qu'elle est, au moins partiellement, autonome, ce qui exclut un pilotage centralisé du système global.