Engineering geologyEngineering geology is the application of geology to engineering study for the purpose of assuring that the geological factors regarding the location, design, construction, operation and maintenance of engineering works are recognized and accounted for. Engineering geologists provide geological and geotechnical recommendations, analysis, and design associated with human development and various types of structures.
FluageLe fluage est le phénomène physique qui provoque la déformation irréversible différée (c'est-à-dire non instantanée) d’un matériau soumis à une contrainte constante (notée ), même inférieure à la limite d'élasticité du matériau, pendant une durée suffisante. Le fluage ainsi que la relaxation de contrainte sont deux méthodes en quasi statique de caractérisation des matériaux visqueux (cas du béton). vignette|100px|Essai de fluage à chaud.
Geothermal powerGeothermal power is electrical power generated from geothermal energy. Technologies in use include dry steam power stations, flash steam power stations and binary cycle power stations. Geothermal electricity generation is currently used in 26 countries, while geothermal heating is in use in 70 countries. As of 2019, worldwide geothermal power capacity amounts to 15.4 gigawatts (GW), of which 23.9 percent or 3.68 GW are installed in the United States.
Petroleum reservoirA petroleum reservoir or oil and gas reservoir is a subsurface accumulation of hydrocarbons contained in porous or fractured rock formations. Such reservoirs form when kerogen (ancient plant matter) is created in surrounding rock by the presence of high heat and pressure in the Earth's crust. Petroleum reservoirs are broadly classified as conventional and unconventional reservoirs.
Numerical methods for partial differential equationsNumerical methods for partial differential equations is the branch of numerical analysis that studies the numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs). In principle, specialized methods for hyperbolic, parabolic or elliptic partial differential equations exist. Finite difference method In this method, functions are represented by their values at certain grid points and derivatives are approximated through differences in these values.
Geothermal heatingGeothermal heating is the direct use of geothermal energy for some heating applications. Humans have taken advantage of geothermal heat this way since the Paleolithic era. Approximately seventy countries made direct use of a total of 270 PJ of geothermal heating in 2004. As of 2007, 28 GW of geothermal heating capacity is installed around the world, satisfying 0.07% of global primary energy consumption. Thermal efficiency is high since no energy conversion is needed, but capacity factors tend to be low (around 20%) since the heat is mostly needed in the winter.
Dynamique des fluidesLa dynamique des fluides (hydrodynamique ou aérodynamique), est l'étude des mouvements des fluides, qu'ils soient liquides ou gazeux. Elle fait partie de la mécanique des fluides avec l'hydrostatique (statique des fluides). La résolution d'un problème de dynamique des fluides demande de calculer diverses propriétés des fluides comme la vitesse, la viscosité, la densité, la pression et la température en tant que fonctions de l'espace et du temps.
Simulation de phénomènesLa simulation de phénomènes est un outil utilisé dans le domaine de la recherche et du développement. Elle permet d'étudier les réactions d'un système à différentes contraintes pour en déduire les résultats recherchés en se passant d'expérimentation. Les systèmes technologiques (infrastructures, véhicules, réseaux de communication, de transport ou d'énergie) sont soumis à différentes contraintes et actions. Le moyen le plus simple d'étudier leurs réactions serait d'expérimenter, c'est-à-dire d'exercer l'action souhaitée sur l'élément en cause pour observer ou mesurer le résultat.
Numerical methods for ordinary differential equationsNumerical methods for ordinary differential equations are methods used to find numerical approximations to the solutions of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Their use is also known as "numerical integration", although this term can also refer to the computation of integrals. Many differential equations cannot be solved exactly. For practical purposes, however – such as in engineering – a numeric approximation to the solution is often sufficient. The algorithms studied here can be used to compute such an approximation.
Sismologiethumb|Station sismologique Basse-Terre au sommet du morne Mazeau en Guadeloupe. La sismologie ou séismologie (ce dernier est un anglicisme de seismology) est une discipline scientifique qui étudie les séismes (tremblements de terre) et la propagation des ondes élastiques (dites ondes sismiques) à l'intérieur de la Terre. La sismologie moderne utilise les concepts de la mécanique newtonienne appliqués à la connaissance de la Terre.