ÉclairageLéclairage est l'ensemble des moyens qui permettent à l'homme de doter son environnement des conditions de luminosité qu'il estime nécessaires à son activité ou son agrément. L'éclairage associe une source lumineuse (naturelle ou artificielle, fixe ou mobile) et d'éventuels dispositifs de type batteries, luminaires ou miroir/puits de Lumière. Les sources artificielles étaient le feu, des lampes à graisse, puis des lampes à huile, des torches, des bougies, les lampes à pétrole puis le gaz, puis des lampes électriques d’abord à incandescence (traditionnelle ou halogène) puis fluorescentes et électroluminescentes.
Architectural lighting designArchitectural lighting design is a field of work or study that is concerned with the design of lighting systems within the built environment, both interior and exterior. It can include manipulation and design of both daylight and electric light or both, to serve human needs. Lighting design is based in both science and the visual arts. The basic aim of lighting within the built environment is to enable occupants to see clearly and without discomfort.
Stage lightingStage lighting is the craft of lighting as it applies to the production of theater, dance, opera, and other performance arts. Several different types of stage lighting instruments are used in this discipline. In addition to basic lighting, modern stage lighting can also include special effects, such as lasers and fog machines. People who work on stage lighting are commonly referred to as lighting technicians or lighting designers. The equipment used for stage lighting (e.g.
Lighting control systemA lighting control system incorporates communication between various system inputs and outputs related to lighting control with the use of one or more central computing devices. Lighting control systems are widely used on both indoor and outdoor lighting of commercial, industrial, and residential spaces. Lighting control systems are sometimes referred to under the term smart lighting. Lighting control systems serve to provide the right amount of light where and when it is needed.
Éclairement énergétiquevignette|Irradiance spectrale solaire (distribution du rayonnement solaire). L’éclairement énergétique ou irradiance est un terme radiométrique qui quantifie la puissance d'un rayonnement électromagnétique frappant par unité de surface perpendiculaire à sa direction. C'est la densité surfacique du flux énergétique arrivant au point considéré de la surface. Dans le Système international d'unités, elle s’exprime en watts par mètre carré (W/m ou ). La grandeur d'émission associée est l'exitance.
History of street lighting in the United StatesThe history of street lighting in the United States is closely linked to the urbanization of America. Artificial illumination has stimulated commercial activity at night, and has been tied to the country's economic development, including major innovations in transportation, particularly the growth in automobile use. In the two and a half centuries before LED lighting emerged as the new "gold standard", cities and towns across America relied on oil, coal gas, carbon arc, incandescent, and high-intensity gas discharge lamps for street lighting.
Pollution lumineuseLa pollution lumineuse est à la fois la présence nocturne anormale ou gênante de lumière et les conséquences de l'éclairage artificiel nocturne sur la faune, la flore, la fonge (le règne des champignons), les écosystèmes ainsi que les effets suspectés ou avérés sur la santé humaine. Comme celle de pollution du ciel nocturne qui la remplace parfois et qui désigne particulièrement la disparition des étoiles du ciel nocturne en milieu urbain, la notion de pollution lumineuse est apparue dans la deuxième moitié du et a évolué depuis.
Maison solaire passiveUne maison solaire passive est une habitation de type habitat passif, c'est-à-dire conçue pour bénéficier au maximum du rayonnement solaire, grâce à sa conception (forme, orientation, répartition des ouvertures, isolation, inertie thermique...), à la qualité de ses composants (murs, toiture, sol, fenêtres et portes...) et à une ventilation performante qui permet de maîtriser les apports d'air et le degré d'humidité.
Kruithof curveThe Kruithof curve describes a region of illuminance levels and color temperatures that are often viewed as comfortable or pleasing to an observer. The curve was constructed from psychophysical data collected by Dutch physicist Arie Andries Kruithof, though the original experimental data is not present on the curve itself. Lighting conditions within the bounded region were empirically assessed as being pleasing or natural, whereas conditions outside the region were considered uncomfortable, displeasing or unnatural.
Retouche numériqueImage editing encompasses the processes of altering s, whether they are digital photographs, traditional photo-chemical photographs, or illustrations. Traditional analog image editing is known as photo retouching, using tools such as an airbrush to modify photographs or editing illustrations with any traditional art medium. Graphic software programs, which can be broadly grouped into vector graphics editors, raster graphics editors, and 3D modelers, are the primary tools with which a user may manipulate, enhance, and transform images.