The large capacity of neural networks enables them to learn complex functions. To avoid overfitting, networks however require a lot of training data that can be expensive and time-consuming to collect. A common practical approach to attenuate overfitting is the use of network regularization techniques. We propose a novel regularization method that progressively penalizes the magnitude of activations during training. The combined activation signals produced by all neurons in a given layer form the representation of the input image in that feature space. We propose to regularize this representation in the last feature layer before classification layers. Our method's effect on generalization is analyzed with label randomization tests and cumulative ablations. Experimental results show the advantages of our approach in comparison with commonly-used regularizers on standard benchmark datasets.
Martin Jaggi, Vinitra Swamy, Jibril Albachir Frej, Julian Thomas Blackwell
Pascal Fua, Nikita Durasov, Doruk Oner, Minh Hieu Lê
Marco Picasso, Alexandre Caboussat, Maude Girardin