In condensed-matter physics, a collision cascade (also known as a displacement cascade or a displacement spike) is a set of nearby adjacent energetic (much higher than ordinary thermal energies) collisions of atoms induced by an energetic particle in a solid or liquid. If the maximum atom or ion energies in a collision cascade are higher than the threshold displacement energy of the material (tens of eVs or more), the collisions can permanently displace atoms from their lattice sites and produce defects. The initial energetic atom can be, e.g., an ion from a particle accelerator, an atomic recoil produced by a passing high-energy neutron, electron or photon, or be produced when a radioactive nucleus decays and gives the atom a recoil energy. The nature of collision cascades can vary strongly depending on the energy and mass of the recoil/incoming ion and density of the material (stopping power). When the initial recoil/ion mass is low, and the material where the cascade occurs has a low density (i.e. the recoil-material combination has a low stopping power), the collisions between the initial recoil and sample atoms occur rarely, and can be understood well as a sequence of independent binary collisions between atoms. This kind of a cascade can be theoretically well treated using the binary collision approximation (BCA) simulation approach. For instance, H and He ions with energies below 10 keV can be expected to lead to purely linear cascades in all materials. The most commonly used BCA code SRIM can be used to simulate linear collision cascades in disordered materials for all ion in all materials up to ion energies of 1 GeV. Note, however, that SRIM does not treat effects such as damage due to electronic energy deposition or damage produced by excited electrons. The nuclear and electronic stopping powers used are averaging fits to experiments, and are thus not perfectly accurate either. The electronic stopping power can be readily included in binary collision approximation or molecular dynamics (MD) simulations.
Edoardo Charbon, Emanuele Ripiccini, Ming-Lo Wu, Ekin Kizilkan, Pouyan Keshavarzian, Francesco Gramuglia, Kazuhiro Morimoto, Carlo Alberto Fenoglio
Klaus Kern, Stephan Rauschenbach, Sven Alexander Szilagyi, Hannah Julia Ochner