Laser medicine consists in the use of lasers in medical diagnosis, treatments, or therapies, such as laser photodynamic therapy, photorejuvenation, and laser surgery. The word laser stands for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation". The laser was invented in 1960 by Theodore Maiman, and its potential uses in medicine were subsequently explored. Lasers benefit from three interesting characteristics: directivity (multiple directional functions), impulse (possibility of operating in very short pulses) and monochromaticity. Several medical applications were found among this new instrument. In 1961, just one year after the laser's invention, Dr. Charles J. Campbell successfully used a ruby laser to destroy an angiomatous retinal tumor with a single pulse. In 1963, Dr. Leon Goldman reported used to the ruby laser to treat pigmented skin cells and reported on his findings. The argon ionized laser (wavelength: 488-514nm) has since become the preferred laser for the treatment of retinal detachment. The carbon dioxide laser was developed by Kumar Patel and others in the early 1960s and is now a common and versatile tool not only for medicinal purposes but also for welding and drilling, among other uses. The possibility of using optical fiber (over a short distance in the operating room) from the year 1970 has opened many laser applications, in particular endocavitary, thanks to the possibility to introducing the fiber into the channel of an endoscope. During this time, the argon laser began to be used in gastroenterology and pneumology. Dr. Peter Kiefhaber was the first to "successfully perform endoscopic argon laser photocoagulation for gastrointestinal bleeding in humans". Kiefhaber is also considered a pioneer in using the Nd:YAG laser in medicine, also using it to control gastrointestinal bleeding. In 1976, Dr. Hofstetter employed lasers for the first time in urology.Thanks to laser dye, the late 1970s saw the rise of photodynamic therapy.
Tobias Kippenberg, Mikhail Churaev
Yves Bellouard, Antoine Maxime Delgoffe, Saood Ibni Nazir, Sargis Hakobyan