In computer architecture, clock gating is a popular power management technique used in many synchronous circuits for reducing dynamic power dissipation, by removing the clock signal when the circuit is not in use or ignores clock signal. Clock gating saves power by pruning the clock tree, at the cost of adding more logic to a circuit. Pruning the clock disables portions of the circuitry so that the flip-flops in them do not have to switch states. Switching states consumes power. When not being switched, the switching power consumption goes to zero, and only leakage currents are incurred. Although asynchronous circuits by definition do not have a global "clock", the term perfect clock gating is used to illustrate how various clock gating techniques are simply approximations of the data-dependent behavior exhibited by asynchronous circuitry. As the granularity on which one gates the clock of a synchronous circuit approaches zero, the power consumption of that circuit approaches that of an asynchronous circuit: the circuit only generates logic transitions when it is actively computing. An alternative solution to clock gating is to use Clock Enable (CE) logic on synchronous data path employing the input multiplexer, e.g., for D type flip-flops: using C / Verilog language notation: Dff= CE? D: Q; where: Dff is D-input of D-type flip-flop, D is module information input (without CE input), Q is D-type flip-flop output. This type of clock gating is race condition free and is preferred for FPGAs designs and for clock gating of the small circuit. For FPGAs every D-type flip-flop has an additional CE input signal. Clock gating works by taking the enable conditions attached to registers, and uses them to gate the clocks. A design must contain these enable conditions in order to use and benefit from clock gating. This clock gating process can also save significant die area as well as power, since it removes large numbers of muxes and replaces them with clock gating logic. This clock gating logic is generally in the form of "integrated clock gating" (ICG) cells.

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