We present a systematic method to expand in components four dimensional superconformal multiplets. The results cover all possible N = 1 multiplets and some cases of interest for N = 2. As an application of the formalism we prove that certain N = 2 spinning chiral operators (also known as \exotic" chiral primaries) do not admit a consistent three-point function with the stress tensor and therefore cannot be present in any local SCFT. This extends a previous proof in the literature which only applies to certain classes of theories. To each superdescendant we associate a superconformally covariant differential operator, which can then be applied to any correlator in superspace. In the case of threepoint functions, we introduce a convenient representation of the differential operators that considerably simplifies their action. As a consequence it is possible to efficiently obtain the linear relations between the OPE coefficients of the operators in the same superconformal multiplet and in turn streamline the computation of superconformal blocks. We also introduce a Mathematica package to work with four dimensional superspace.
Riccardo Rattazzi, Alexander Monin, Gil Badel